Listing guidelines:
If your advert gets deleted, you didn’t read this and violated one or more of the selling rules. By advertising here you warrant that you have read, understood and will abide by the rules stipulated below. If it is found that you are repeatedly flouting or trying to "game" these rules your access to the classifieds will be restricted. In severe cases you may be banned from the forum entirely.
Caveat Emptor:, its owners and representatives, will not be held responsible for any transactions that may result in damages either to the buyer or the seller., its owners and representatives will not referee, arbitrate, commiserate, mitigate, nor comment on any sale or trade on this platform. The risk rests solely with the buyer and the seller. It’s your responsibility to obey all Local, State and Federal laws.
- Private sales only, no vendor/commercial/member of the trade sales whatsoever. Sponsoring dealers to post all adverts in the Dealer Classifieds, Specials and News forum.
- Sales (WTS:) and Trade (WTT:) listings are limited to residents of the Continental US, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the United States Virgin Islands.
- All For Sale adverts must state an asking price for listed items. No exceptions!
- Only airgun related and airgun centric items may be advertised in the listings system. No firearms related listings are permitted.
- Do not list more than one advert for an item that already has an active listing. If you list an item more than once the newest listing will be deleted.
- List your adverts here fully or do not list them here at all. Do not invite buyers to contact you for a list of stuff for sale. Do not post links to third party websites that host your adverts.
- Only upload your own images of your item for sale. Do not upload manufacturer, stock or brochure images, such images will be deleted from your listing.
- Uploading images from someone else's listing, especially from a different website will be considered fraud, your advert will be marked as a Scam and you will be banned from the site in perpetuity.
- All adverts are set to expire 14 days after initial posting. You will receive an emailed listing renewal notice 2 days prior to expiry, if you choose to renew that will serve as the listing "bump to the top".
- Do not habitually delete your existing advert/s in order to relist so as to bypass the "renew to bump to the top" system. Your listings will be deleted and your access to the system removed if you abuse this system.
- If your item/s are sold/found/traded then click the "Mark As Sold" button that can be found in the "Edit Ad" function. While you are in the editing mode, also change the title prefix to "SOLD:".
- As a courtesy please prefix your listing title with whichever is appropriate to your listing WTS: (Want to sell) or WTB: Want to buy" or WTT: (Want to trade) or Free:
Items that are not airgun related such as knives, sunglasses, clothing, cameras, cushions, keychains/fobs, patches, etc. can be posted in the Flea Market. No firearms related listings are permitted.Deprecated- "Silencer/LDC/Moderator/Shroud" sales are permitted. All such listings must state "For airgun use only" in the body of the advert.
- Dealers, vendors or members of the trade that wish to advertise or promote their business, services or wares on this forum ( must first gain permission to do so. Contact:
- Sponsoring dealers may post one advert per day per sponsored banner owned.
- If for some reason you suspect an advert to be a scam or fraudulent please use the "Report Listing" listing on the bottom left of a listing to send an email to admin and state your reasons and evidence clearly in the email.
- Do not post or tout classifieds adverts in any forum outside of the AWG Classifieds system without prior permission from an admin.
- The seller has the final right to choose to whom they sell their items to. The seller has the right to retract the sale.
- The rules as stated here can and will be updated without notice from time to time. It is your responsibility to regularly check in here to ensure your adverts remain compliant with the rules.
Board of Inquiry Rules
The Board of Inquiry is intended for posting direct experiences on sellers and buyers doing business in the airgun community.
- Do not engage in conversations or speculation if you do not have a personal stake or issue in the feedback topic. Only the 2 parties involved in the transaction are allowed to participate in the topic as described here:
a) Stay within the facts of the transaction and refrain from using emotional language.
b) Do not use characterizations such as thief, scammer or other slanderous opinions. Speak to the facts of the issue, not the individual/s.
b) DO NOT use characterizations such as thief, scammer or other slanderous opinions. Talk to the issue, not the person.
c) Party A starts a feedback thread about Party B, Party B responds once and thread is finished. Make sure to,state all the relevant facts in one post.
d) Post the members name in the message title and include whether the transaction was a positive or negative experience.
e) NO TRANSACTION, NO FEEDBACK HERE. if you did not do a transaction with another party. DO NOT POST - Keep it civil, as with the main forum rules, foul language, racial slurs, and personal attacks will not be allowed.
- Limit your responses to 5 each (between seller and buyer). Post a response only if the other party has responded to your feedback. Do not make 5 individual solo posts.
- All feedback between private sellers and buyers must be posted in the Board of Inquiry found here:
- All Dealer / Vendor feedback must be posted in the Dealer Board of Inquiry found here:
- There is a dedicated topic for scammer listings found here: The same BOI rules apply there too.
- Posts that contravene any of the above rules will be deleted.
Legal Disclaimer: offers this free classified listings page as a service to its members and holds no responsibility for the content contained in the ads posted on the page or any transactions between the members and readers of this page. All ads are free and are the responsibility of the persons posting the ads. It is the sellers and buyers responsibility to verify the authenticity of all ads and transactions. and its owners/representatives are not responsible for and do not involve themselves in transactions between parties using this site and does not certify, investigate, or in any way guarantee the legal capacity of any party to transact. and its owners/representatives are held harmless and blameless for any and all loss, harm, damage, costs, liability, and expense caused to them, whether intentionally or unintentionally, by the use of, including but not limited to direct or indirect results of violations of any and all applicable laws.
By agreeing to these terms you warrant that you have read and will abide to the Classifieds Rules
Thank you all for turning this into a great trading place!
Steve in CT
Yellow | Airgunwarriors Forums Owner