Here's a custom grip I made from InstaMorph moldable plastic.
I've never been satisfied with my grip on my Benjamin Marauder gen 1. My trigger position and hold left my fingers dangling off the stock. I found this product on Amazon. Basically it is a moldable plastic that comes in bead/pellet form. You heat it up in water to 150º and it sticks together. You kneed and mash it together to mold it to your liking. The consistency is similar to silly putty. Once you get it to the shape you like you let it cool and harden, then you can cut, drill, shave and sand it to finish. I have attached it to my stock with double sided gorilla tape.
phepler,That IS a really great idea.You did a good job of it too.And I like the idea that you attached it in a way that won't harm the gun's original form,if it is removed.
This made me think of this product as a way to extend the length of pull on a rifle Also,to change the cheek piece of a rifle,or build one for lefties shooting with a right handed stock.
Another option for a cheek rest mod is this self adhesive foam. Available in different thicknesses and can be stacked to make the height you want. Available at Amazon and maybe your local craft store.
will this product sand and paint as needed and what is you work time out of the water
and can you keep it warm by a hot hairdryer
I was thinking of do some buildup on some plastic grips and had forgotten about this product
and will the stuff work with epoxy
that's all just thinking
thanks and take care
Sandable and paintable.
Maybe 10 minutes of workable time once heated up?
You can use a hairdryer, but it only seems to heat up the surface and would not work well to make major adjustments. A quick dip back in hot water may work. You can get it right with a few tries.
I would think it would work well with epoxy. It's basically a plastic material with a low melt point.
I want to build up the finger grip diameter on my synthetic bullpup stock. Have been thinking about carefully layering hockey tape and covering it with a sheet of pistol grip tape. Or, layering with fiberglass and resin.
Can't decide. But, this post has me thinking about some other projects.
Good idea!