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Free machining steel for your lathe projects

4 Posts
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6216F771 BB73 41AE 9C31 3F0E08C9E297
E46945E3 B22F 4A58 AFD5 2686AF9AA9C6
9F564365 CFB9 4507 BC79 E715E645B418
F1D411EC 36F7 434F AE27 17E718DB2373


5FF2B546 A418 428D B7F3 FA3A2192EA9C
DCED3025 9405 47CD A5D5 A1E334ED1EEC
B90A0F06 9387 4C43 8DF6 EB0BE177B289

Did you ever use 12L14? Free machining steel. You won't believe you're turning steel. Chips break up. Takes less power to machine it. And you can turn higher RPM. Mini lathe guys will love it! Also gives a super nice finish. In my home shop I always use HSS tool bits. I've been grinding my own over 45 years. One bit lasts like 10 years. Carbide will be ok if you must. No polishing required. I'd rather see the smooth turned finish. LOL! If you can't get a great finish with it maybe you're better off using your lathe for an anchor! Screw machines often use it. You won't find an easier steel to single point threads. ? ?

See the tailstock feed screw I made with some? Acme threads. Only .002 backlash. I ran the lathe in reverse to cut the left hand thread with the bit on the back side. Did the chuck thread off? Nope. Also another screw I made.  I make a whole lot of them. Notice I use a lantern tool post. Did somebody tell you they aren’t any good? BS. Pure BS

Not enough carbon content to harden but I have successfully case hardened it with casenit.

Get some if you have never turned it. Get several diameters because you are going to love the stuff. ?

AB6F8DB7 F6CE 4A04 9F5C 4C9C7A5DB749


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Posts: 17

Yes, free machining stock and aluminum will take care of 90% of everyone's needs.  I do my own gunsmithing.

Here's link to a teeny bit of my projects.  I have a Palmgren milling attachment.


Here's one-half of a set of scope rings that I made.  Believe me, the devil is in the details.  Never again.  Also, shown is an adapter to mount a scope on an IZH 46M target air pistol.

AR ring
IZH 46M Unertl

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Posts: 17

I know this is an old posting.   One time a farmer brought over a piece of rebar and needed a part.  Well, that stuff just tore and ripped and was horrible to use.  Thanks for the memories.  Ron

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 68

I just went out and got some 12L14 to make a die holder. Can hardly wait to try it out.


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