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[Sticky] Western States & AAFTA Grand Prix March 7th - 9th Temecula, CA

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I didn't see it posted here yet, so here is a link to registration page

I'm helping Juan with the planning and he needs to know how many might come to arrange the food, prizes, so please let me or Juan know if you are coming or better still go to the site and register online.
Also, some of us are planning on doing some trading that weekend and Thursday afternoon. LD is slimming down his large collection of really great air rifles and pistols. I'm bringing a lot of stuff too. So, bring stuff to trade if you want for some really fun evenings of dickering:)


Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 443

Thank you Wayne for posting.

I am a field target shooter from Illinois and have met you and LD before. I wish I could be there but health issues prevent. I'm 76 now.

I know you have had great success with Tim and LD's rifle because you are a top shooter and incredible match director. 

Best of luck to all. BTW, LD's website is lacking in posts, this is a shame because there is important advice and tips there. I have learned a lot.

Bring yer wallet too Wayne, I'll betcha yer gonna find some treasures to buy.

BTW, try to convince LD to finally design a single stroke pneumatic that hits 12 ft/lbs. I know he could do it and I would be the first dude to buy it.

Good luck Wayne at the competition.


Airgun Warriors