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Invicta FTC TN State match 10/24/2020 **Match Report**

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Posted for David Slade:

I have been holding off posting about the match as the rain chances keep bouncing around, worse case we have a 50/50 chanceof scattered rain so I say we go for it, the course is set, might not be as exciting as previous years as Brad has been in the process of moving so if there are problems it’s all my fault, lol.

Practice is open at 8 am shooters meeting at 8.45 match starts at 9, weather permitting,

See you there



Last scheduled match of the 2020 season!  Come on out if you can.

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Posted for David Slade:


2020 TENNESSEE STATE MATCH hosted by Invicta Field target Club

We have been less than lucky in the weather department for at least the last three State Matches, I watched the forecast through the week, going from 20-50 percent chance of rain, finally settling on 40 percent. I decided that was 60 percent chance of no rain, so it was a go, and even though some folks stayed away due to rain chances, thirteen braved the elements to compete for the now fabled red hat that the State Champion wins, heck Ken Hughes wore his from his previous win, maybe trying to Psych out his fellow shooters? Yes, the rain came down until about 8.30, but quickly stopped and almost everyone went and checked their zero before the match started, however the wind stuck around to torment! Maybe have the state match in May?

All year we have had a one person per lane rule, to try and social distance—however with more shooters than lanes, I made out separate score cards/pencils/ clipboards so they could score each other without having to hand score cards back and forth, while squadded together, and it seemed to work?

The colder weather appeared to also cause a lot of lower velocities, I managed to miss the first shot on ALL my long targets bar one, and on my last lane I spotted the pellet hit almost an inch low at 55 yards....

Brad Troyer is in the throws of moving houses so couldn't come out to shoot or do his magic to the course for the first time in a LONG time, but despite than I did tweak the course to make it a little more of a challenge..... speaking to Brad Monday morning and describing the changes I made he estimated the course to be around a 39 on his Troyer scale - I think the lower than normal scores are all mainly due to the cold and the resulting lower power, and not anything else, promise! Brad did design the awards for us, as usual, thanks Brad!

There was, as usual a nice turnout from our friends from Georgia, Ken, Doug and Ron all former champions at the State match came out to play, courtesy of Walt Rollers lovely new Buick, they brought Walt of course, along a first timer to the Invicta course, Otis Davis. Last time I saw Otis was in Baton Rouge last year and he was shooting a pistol and getting a very decent score shooting the rifle course, well now he has a Thomas and he is now also the latest to wear the State Champion hat, hope to see him next year on the circuit and everything gets back to normal...

Its been a nice if odd season, good to see old friends and I look forward to next season - Roz said weather permitting he will host a match November 14th, so I hope to make it, maybe see you there?

God Bless

David Slade


TN State Champion

49/60 Otis Davis Thomas Sightron 10-50 JSB 10.3


World Class

49/60 Otis Davis Thomas Sightron 10-50 JSB 10.3

46/60 Doug Vinson Thomas March 8-80 JSB 8.4

45/60 Danny Ayers Thomas Leupold 35x JSB 8.4

43/60 Robert Ray Steyr LG 100 Sightron 10-50 JSB 7.9

43/60 David Slade Steyr LG 110 Nikko 10-50 JSB 8.4

42/60 Ron Brown Steyr LG110 Sightron 10-50 AA 8.4


World Class Piston

43/60 Ken Hughes TX200 Leupold 35x JSB 8.4


Open Class

48/60 Ray Barnett TM1000 Aeon 10-40 AA 10.3

44/60 Jeff Hale HM1000 Aeon 8-32 AA 10.3

32/60 Roz Sumpter TM1000 BSA 10-50 JSB 8.4

28/60 Alex Reploug Marauder Aeon 10-40 AA 10.3


Hunter PCP

35/60 Walt Roller EdGun Leshy Athalon 6-24 AA 8.4

18/60 Brent Browning Maximus BSA 8-32 Barracuda Match

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 65

Otis, congratulations on winning winning what seems to have been a challenging match. 10.3gr pellets in WFTF with windy, cold conditions....that's quite a trajectory you’re workng with.      

odavis reacted
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 165

Dang Otis, that was some shooting to best all those former state champions. Great Job. I knew I took a photo of your new Thomas at my last Atlanta match for a reason. LOL

Hey to all. Wish I could have been there.

Venice, FL

odavis reacted
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 2

@glpalinkas Thank you, I was honored to be in such good company!

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Posts: 2

@jamdon Thank you, The day was definitely not picture perfect but I did my best.


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