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Match Report -Sacramento Valley Field Target Season Ending Match - Sunday Nov. 25th Ione CA

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Rest In Peace
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I'll be jet lagged but I'll be there! (We will see if I can get Jess and maybe my dad out)


Rest In Peace
Joined: 7 years ago
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Posted by: Kerndtc

I'll be jet lagged but I'll be there! (We will see if I can get Jess and maybe my dad out)


Airguns only, no spear guns. ? 

Rest In Peace
Joined: 7 years ago
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The final match of the 2018 season for the Sacramento Valley Field Target Club turned out to be a fun day with some great shooting and some great food. The conditions conspired to make this our most lightly attended match of the year. Heavy dense fog in the morning combined with Thanksgiving Holiday overload must have been enough to keep many at home, but it did not stop the 11 hearty shooters who showed up ready to go. By the time the shooters meeting started the fog had lifted, the sun came out and we ended up with a beautiful, sunny fall day with temps reaching into 60's by match end.

This was our money match. Each year we have a shooters appreciation match where we draw randomly for prizes so every active club member wins something, then we have a money match where the best shooters for the day take home some cash. There are prizes for top Piston and top PCP shooters. The prize kitty is determined by the number of shooters for the day and with only 11 people participating we were limited to 4 prizes, 2 Piston and 2 PCP. Scott our match director set up a fair test of our proficiency and with a deceptively strong Ione cross wind the best shooters for the day showed off their skills. Riz and Son held one of their classic battles with Son edging Riz by one shot in the PCP group. Cameron continues his quest to beat all the PCP shooters wining the Piston class and falling only 4 shots off the top score for the day Ken shot great match finishing second in Piston.

Not to brag but the highlight of the day may have been lunch. I have been accumulating a lot of wild game in my freezer and decided to share it with our shooters. I whipped up a batch of Pheasant and Chukar Chili from scratch that turned out better than I ever hoped for. I made what I thought would be enough to feed about 20 people, well our 11 shooters must have been hungry because we consumed the entire batch. I'm glad every one enjoyed it.

I just want to thank everyone who made the 2018 season another fun and rewarding year. Our club members had many successes this year from Cameron who finished 10th in the World WFTF Championship and was a member of the first place Team USA, Scott who won the Hunter Class National Grand Prix Title and many others who shot the highest scores in 4 of the 6 Western Grand Prix matches. Congratulations on a job well done. My biggest thank you goes to all of the wonderful people who show up at every match early to help with the course set up, to Scott our match director who maintains all of our targets and hauls them to and from each match ( I can't remember the last time we had a cold line). We have a terrific group of people who make each match an enjoyable experience for everyone who participates which is the reason our club is successful.

Thanks again to everyone who made one of our matches, we'll see you in March!

Jim in Sacramento

Match Results 54 Shots Total

PCP Class
Son L ...... 46
Riz M ...... 45
Fred B ..... 40
John B ..... 39
Scott S ..... 33
Jim C ....... 33
Jim M ...... 22

Piston Class
Cam K ..... 42
Ken D ...... 34
Jim P ....... 23
Charlie L .. 11

North Carolina
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 209

Hi Jim,. It sounds like you folks had a great time especially with the meal...

As an avid hunter I appreciate the use of wild game. 

Riz, sounds like the Pebble was taken from your 

Jim, hope to see you again at the PA cup in 2019. Good report, thanks



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