Sacramento Valley Field Target Match Saturday September 26, 2020 at Ione.
See note below on National Championship scheduled for October at Morro Bay and the CA State FT Championship
You are invited to the September Sacramento Valley FT Club match. There will be a set of strict social distancing rules that must be followed in order to hold this match.
If you still feel reluctant to get out in public that is fine, everyone should only do what they feel comfortable doing. Please do not come to the match if you are not feeling well!
The following are the rules that will be in place to insure social distancing guidelines are met during the execution of the match.
1. A maximum of 2 shooters per shooting lane will be allowed. The person scoring the shooter will be required to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from the shooter.
2. All participants will be required to wear a face mask, bandanna or something to cover their mouth and nose
3. No food or beverages will be provided for participants, you will be required to bring your own snacks and drinks
This will be our fifth match of the year, the first four matches were well attended and everyone had a great time. If you are tired of being cooped up at home then come out and join us. You will see some old friends and have a great time.
Location: Sacramento Valley Shooting Center - Directions found here: Location: Sacramento Valley Shooting Center - Directions found here:
Upon arrival at the range take a right at the 'T', near the range office, up the hill to Range 9 (First range past the Cowboy Shooters range). The match is open to anyone interested in learning about Field Target competition as well as experienced shooters.
Course set up:...............8:00 am
Regstn and Sight In .......8:45 am
Match start:..................9:30am (approx)
Other information:
Match fees will be $15 per person
NO Beverages nor snacks will be provided
Questions? Contact Jim Cyran at jimcyran "at" pacbell "dot" net
Scott and I look forward to seeing you there.
Update on National Championship Scheduled for October in Morro Bay
The 2020 AAFTA National Championship has been canceled. The Nationals will be held at the Morro Bay location in October of 2021. More information will be available after the 1st of the year.
In the place of the National Championship the CASA Club of Southern California is holding the CA State Field Target Championship and Grand Prix match October 17-18th, 2020 at the Morro Bay location. This is always a great match at a wonderful facility. Get it on your calendar and come out and join us. Registration info can be found here (scroll up to first post)
We have ALL the targets repainted for your visual pleasure. Crazy is as crazy does with the SVFTC's stunningly wild targets set to keep the match interesting .... Challenging for the experienced yet satisfying for the less skilled & newer shooters. Yup something for everybody and likely a 60 shot match as well !
As we did last month there will be a 1 if not 2 bonus lanes where you can pick up some extra points pending NOT ONLY if or not you address the lane ? .... but a Lane where PENDING HOW you shoot it can yield you more points. ( Your normal class position = 1 point take it kneeling = 2 points Take it offhand = 3 points ) feeling lucky, confident STEP IT UP !!
We will have fun !!
Scott S
SVFTC Match director