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Results: Sacramento Valley FTC June 24th Match Yolo Sportsman's Club

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 8) That was not so bad, sure it got warm by @ noon, but by then we were Done !!  
So this is our story from the June SVFTC match held at the Yolo shooting facility in Davis, Ca ......

As in the past we had members at the gate with more arriving shortly there after having our 48 SHOT match getting set up super fast !  All in attendance 17 were given 1/2 hour or so of practice before we did our shooters meeting and got after the killin of the steel quarry by @ 9:30 there about.

With the forecast of wind and actually a fair breeze blowing during set up, course difficulty was backed off a bit as was the number of shots to deal with the heat also forecast for Sunday.
Squads were assigned leaving us to have one squad of 3 where our Co-Leaded Jim C was assigned ( to crack the whip and keep em moving ) Must of worked because they never fell behind or held up other squads on there heels.  Not more than an hour or so into the match those winds that blew earlier really laid down allowing some darn fine shooting to take place.  Never heard a call for a cold lane or any target malfunctions which certainly help speed us all along. 

We all finished up give or take @ noon with a few stragglers taking more time that would be typically allowed at a major FT match, but hey this is club match where FUN rules the day. ( just worth mentioning being we talked about being time conscious at the shooters meeting ) ... LOL it's all good.

Clean up was SUPER FAST with most giving a lending hand to get us out of the up ticking heat.  After completion 10 or so stuck abound for lunch in the AIR CONDITIONED club house where we had sandwiches, chips, cold refreshments, cookies and WATERMELON !!

Wanted to pay respect to a few shooters who really have upped there game.  Zack who has been shooting with us for a couple years recently made the switch from a Piston gun to a PCP & this was his first match with us as a cookie eating/dark side convert ... Well done my friend !
Praise also go's out too a relatively new shooter with SVFTC, Tom K who has picked up the game really fast and shooting some impressive scores ... Very well done ! 

Here are the days results ..........

WFTF PCP ( Lone person in class & match high Score )
Riz 47

WFTF Piston

Bob K 34
Jim P 24

Tom K 43
Dana W 42

Hunter Piston
Charlie L 38
Mark W 34

Hunter PCP
Martin 44
Jim C 44
Zack 43
Scott 42
Jack C 38
Mike C 37
Fred B 37
Frank W 33
Jim M 30
Dana F 26

Thanks to ALL who came out and shot today, help set up and tear down ... Thanks for HAVING FUN and sharing the day with like minded buddies and plan on making July's match in IONE where we get to do it all again.

Scott S & Jim C
Match directors       Sacramento Valley Field Target Club


gokidd reacted
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I think I felt a bit tentative about that match the week prior for silly reasons.  As the first match of the year for me, I figured I'd be really rusty and you devious course setters would be sure to set a hard one.  Also, seeing 105 degrees and medium high wind forecast for the day made me think I was in for a doozy of a day.  

But, I needn't have worried as the day at the Yolo range turned out to be quite pleasant overall, as we all busted out setting targets early, got a prompt start, and kept moving along at a good clip from lane to lane.  The wind was much less of a factor that I thought it would be and ample shade for half of the lanes kept from getting totally dried out.

All of that made for a course that had the possibility of being cleaned, but of course we know how much of a superhuman feat that always is, or it would happen way more often than once in a blue moon.  Great shooting by Riz who missed one shot on his final lane to end up with 47/48.  Many others were right up there too with just a few misses overall.  Zack, you have quickly become one with the darkside, I must say.  Great showing out there with the new Daystate!  As usual, Martin and Jim C. showed off their skills.  I think we should have made them do a shoot-off after lunch, haha!  ?  Many others also scored very well and I'm sure there are quite a few along with me who are vowing to practice the forced position discipline a lot more for next month's match!

gokidd reacted
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 120

Good Times!!!

Thanks for organizing our event, Jim and Scott.


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