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[Sticky] PSA - Indoor Field Target - February 9, 2025 - Palmyra, PA

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Palmyra Sportsmen's Association (near Hershey, PA) - Indoor Field Target - Sunday, February 9, 2025.

Our Indoor Field Target event is a great way to get introduced to field target, have fun, or practice for the upcoming outdoor season. Even if you do not intend to shoot and just want to learn more about the air gun field target game, consider stopping by to observe and ask questions.

Targets are placed at ranges between 10 yards and 22 yards, and will be set to an AAFTA legal difficulty for standing position shots. If you are an experienced FT shooter, we encourage you to shoot the entire course standing. You are not required to shoot the standing position, there are no position restrictions for this event, shoot whatever positions you feel comfortable. The course is 5 lanes with two targets per lane, 2 shots per target. Although targets are set using rifle difficulty, you can shoot with pistol.

Since the targets are not placed at long distances, this event provides an opportunity to use guns more suited to shorter distances. You may consider shooting a multi-pump pellet gun (no BBs), pistols, or guns that shoot at lower energy levels than required for the outdoor game.

Guns must not exceed 20 fpe (foot-pounds of energy) at the muzzle.

This event is held in our clubhouse on our indoor rifle range. We will be open for sign-ups between 9AM and 1PM. Cost is $5 per round, you can re-enter as many times as time allows.

Palmyra Sportsmen's Assoc. - Field Target

For more info about indoor field target at PSA:

410 Sportsman Rd.
Annville, PA 17003

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Another good turnout for our indoor FT event at Palmyra Sportsmen's Association today.   Targets were placed between 10 and 22 yards, and if shot all from the standing position, the course difficulty was 25.7.  Although it was an average moderate difficulty course, the hardest offhand target was a 3/4in KZ at 18 yards.


We want to welcome a new shooter, Scott, to the game.  After sorting out some sight in issues, he shot an 18 with his Avenge-X.  We hope to see him at our future matches.  


April Beam, another shooter that recently started FT (only 4 months into the journey), shot a 19 in offhand, besting everyone else that attempted the course in offhand.  


The scores, out of 20, are as follows (ties are not broken).


Competitor Division Position Score Gun
Dan Hess PCP Hunter Freestyle 20 FX Crown
Dan Hess PCP Hunter Freestyle 20 FX Crown
Al Plotts PCP Hunter Freestyle 20 Daystate Wolverine
David Geesaman Piston WFTF Freestyle 20 TX200
Karen Reis PCP Hunter Freestyle 20 Thomas
Stephan Hottenrott PCP Hunter Freestyle 20 Thomas
Brian Wagner PCP Hunter Freestyle 20 RAW TM1000
David Geesaman PCP Open Freestyle 20 Thomas
Al Plotts PCP Hunter Freestyle 18 Daystate Wolverine
Hector Medina Piston Open Freestyle 18 CCA D-34 .20 cal
Scott Shirey PCP Hunter Freestyle 18 Avenge-X
Tobias Morris Piston Open Freestyle 17 HW97K
Mike Beyerle Piston WFTF Freestyle 17 HW97K
Ray Swank PCP Hunter Freestyle 17 FX Crown
Brian Wagner Piston Hunter Freestyle 16 Walther LGU
Ray Swank PCP Hunter Freestyle 16 FX Crown
Scott Shirey PCP Hunter Freestyle 11 Avenge-X
April Beam PCP Hunter Standing 19 FX Crown
Mark King Piston Open Standing 17 Walther LGV
Karen Reis PCP Hunter Standing 16 Thomas
Hector Medina Piston WFTF Standing 16 CCA D-54
Mark King Piston Open Standing 15 Walther LGV
Mark King Piston Open Standing 14 Walther LGV
David Floyd PCP Hunter Standing 13 FX Dreamline Tact
Brian Wagner PCP Hunter Standing 13 RAW TM1000
Karen Reis PCP Hunter Standing 12 Thomas
David Geesaman Piston WFTF Standing 11 TX200
David Geesaman PCP Hunter Standing 11 Thomas
Tobias Morris Piston Open Standing 9 HW97K
Mike Beyerle Piston WFTF Standing 7 HW97K
Hector Medina Piston Open Standing 6 CCA D-34 .20 cal
David Floyd PCP Hunter Standing 3 Umarex Notos
Tobias Morris Piston Open Kneeling 17 HW97K
April Beam PCP Hunter Kneeling 17 FX Crown
Hector Medina Piston WFTF Kneeling 15 CCA D-54
April Beam PCP Hunter Kneeling 14 FX Crown


Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1316

Thanks to the PSA team for hosting the shoot.

It truly was a blast, and an eye opener, LOL!

Good practice, and excellent camaraderie at PSA.

Thanks again!





Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1316

Some have asked why I shifted from shooting the 0.20" cal D34k to shooting the 0.177" cal D54.

Well, as you can see, my "free position" round went well. 18/20 with a 4-12X scope that I had  not used in years, with no dope, and a break-barrel rifle that I had just turned into a Steel spring powered EMS powerplant, I think it was "smashing"

So, why change?

I shot a kneeling round that started well, but all of a sudden, things went bad. The rifle was sounding different, and the shots were all over the place. So, I changed guns.

When I got home I had a ton of things pending, so it was not until today that I was able to check the rifle.

Directly, I went to the chrono, and what had been a consistent 17½ ft-lbs rifle now was all over the place, had lost power and was loosing a few fps for every shot.

So, to the bench.

Got to the first screw and I was harshly reminded of one of the realities of spring guns:

Hope you enjoy!

I certainly got a good laugh at myself. Which is a healthy thing to do.

Once more, thanks to the PSA team for holding the session. It's always a learning experience.

Keep well and shoot straight!







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