Posted for Jim Baumann, just north of Pulaski, TN:
Hi all I am planning on having another 3 dollar match on Saturday march 31 Sight in will be around 9:AM or when ever time you get here before that. Match will start at 9:30 or around then. Anyway, it will be a normal 60 shot match. I will have moved some of the targets around and tried to make the course a bit easier, or is that eraser? I don't know as you all know how confused I get...
That said if you have not been to my place you had better email me at for directions or you will get lost. If you doubt that, just ask the shooters who have been out here as most got lost at least the first time.
As always the match is subject to the forces of our spring weather which can be a bit iffy, however it looks go at the moment and I will keep you all informed if it turns bad.
PS Hope to see you here!
PSS - Jim has planned a 2nd match the following Saturday, April 7, as well. Ya'll come...