Good evening everyone,
This is just a reminder that the next FT match at ASC will be Saturday, January 26 not in April as I mistakenly said in the results from the last match. This next match will be 52-60 shots. We’ll have 3 targets on most lanes, and will include the tower lane this time. As always, we will have water and a community air tank. The only reason we will cancel the match is if it rains on the day of the match; we will keep an eye on it and will send out an email to everyone if that happens. Bring some warm clothes just in case it is cold. Come out and join us for some lead slinging fun.
Gates will open at 7:30 for sight in and sign up.
Safety meeting at 9:45. Rifle match to start at 10:00.
Please note that it is a club rule that all shooters wear appropriate EYE protection. We don't have extras so remember to bring your own.
Members $5, non-Members $10
Please let me know if you plan to attend
Arlington Sportsman’s Club is located at: 11500 County Road 525, Mansfield, TX 76063 (Also called Lillian Road)
Howdy everyone,
Here are the results from our FT match on Saturday at the Arlington Sportsman Club. Thanks to everyone who was able to attehd.
Jeff Cloud
ASC Match Director
Good match, Jeff. Guess we all had fun. Hey, Paul K, looks like your rifle tune is paying off. Nice shooting. And, of course, there is Mr. Vanpool. Gee whiz, he scores high no matter what he shoots. Good work! Hope Tommy had fun and will be back next time. Lastly, enjoyed shooting with Adam Dye. It was fun and enjoyable.
Kevin E.