Hi all! The New York State Championship match will take place November 8th at Dutchess County Pistol Association. It will be a 60 shot tournament.
The following AAFTA classes and rules will be followed.
PCP Open. PCP Unlimited. PCP Hunter. Hunter Piston. PCP WFTF. Piston WFTF. Junior Division. There will be no pistol match.
Match fee will be $15 $10 for Juniors.
Sight in range opens at 8:30am Match starts at 10am with a short shooters meeting before.
There will also be a side shoot. It's called 5x25. 5$ for 5 shots at 5 25mm bullseyes at 25 yards from the standing position. If anyone gets all five they get the money. If two shooters kill it they share the spoils etc. If nobody knocks the five down the money is held and will roll on to the next match at DCPA.
Covid rules apply. Masks and social distancing must be followed. You may remove your mask when in shooting lane. All out of State shooters WILL BE ALLOWED!!
Strict gun safety rules must be followed. All rifles must be covered when not addressing your lane. If in a carrier, the barrel and trigger group must be covered. All rifles shall be only pointed down range.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Paul, Thank you for adding that class. We have some good piston shooters from New York that shoot that class and I'm sure they will appreciate it. Regards, Bill
Hi all!
Here are the awards for the NYS Championship match. The match will go ahead rain or shine. So if it looks like rain bring rain gear! Of course, if the roads are dangerous from snow etc. I'll reschedule. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Address and details to Dutchess County Pistol Association: https://www.dcpistol.org/
@pcray Paul, here is a article from the Albany Business Review
By Chelsea Diana – Reporter, Albany Business Review
Oct 27, 2020, 3:18pm EDT Updated Oct 27, 2020, 3:57pm EDT
California was added to New York's travel advisory list, which requires travelers coming from designated states to quarantine for 14 days.
The total number of states now meeting the criteria for New York's travel quarantine list is now 45 — including the neighboring states of Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania, making it impractical for New Yorkers to travel just about anywhere out of state.
Massachusetts, which shares a border with New York, met the criteria for the travel advisory this week, but Gov. Andrew Cuomo said it is not practical to restrict travel between bordering states. Instead, Cuomo is discouraging nonessential travel between New York and Massachusetts as well as Connecticut, New Jersey and Pennsylvania while they meet the travel advisory criteria.
"We know Covid is spreading at increased rates in other states and New York State is not in a hermetically sealed bubble. The numbers are a reminder that COVID is still here and continues to spread in communities across the state, particularly when people choose not to follow the safety protocols in place to control the virus," Cuomo said in a press statement. "Now, 45 states and territories meet the requirements for our travel advisory. We cannot let our guard down and risk going backwards in New York."
Thanks to the 18 shooters that came to the NYS match today! Awesome turnout considering how crazy this year has been!
Match report and photos coming soon. Thanks!
Thanks for holding the match. I enjoyed the perfect day for shooting a field target match.
Here is a link to some photos and videos of the match and Ray Apelles shooting his Air Arms EV2.
OneDrive photos & videos - Ray Apelles - 2020 NY State FT Match
Hi all!
Yesterday we enjoyed superb weather here in the Hudson Valley region of New York for our annual State Championship match. A slight left to right wind was all we had to deal with. I personally held just outside the kill for all the long targets...even that 45 yard kneeler!
The course I laid out was pretty tough. 12 standers, 6 kneelers....plenty of long shots....two at 55, two at 52.5, two at 50 and the rest between 40 and 45(some with reducers) And the "Elevator" This is a very high angled shot which is quite challenging!
We had 18 shooters participate. Including 6 juniors from a local 4-H club! Really awesome seeing young shooters getting into FT! And they could shoot!
Thanks again to everyone for coming out and DCPA for providing awesome facilities! Hope to see you all soon!
Links to photos/Vids courtesy of Leo Gonzales https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ausj-Y-SAaOxisEJszRh9ijdr4eR1Q?e=6dscaS
Junior division Autum Tompkins 75
Ella Kmiotek 74
Sean Kmiotek 61
Hunter Piston Greg Shirhall 39
Roel Jackson 37
Michael Gracia 32
Hunter PCP Tom Wade 42
PCP Unlimited Bartek Dziedzic 43
PCP Open Brian Van Liew 52
Chas Di Capua 47
WFTF Piston Leo Gonzales 43
WFTF PCP Nate Thomas 48
Ray Apelles 43
Tom Holland 42
Paul Cray 59 (DNC)
Thanks for a great and challenging match! Very enjoyable to get out and get to see others we haven't seen this year Also, don't know how you did it, but the weather was perfect.
Let's hope 2021 brings us all back to some near normalcy so we get to see all the others we've missed!
Thanks again,
Thanks for a great and challenging match! Very enjoyable to get out and get to see others we haven't seen this year Also, don't know how you did it, but the weather was perfect.
Let's hope 2021 brings us all back to some near normalcy so we get to see all the others we've missed!
Thanks again,
Thanks for making the trip down and thanks so much for all the help you give our FT community! Yes, hopefully next year brings us back to a somewhat normal season!
AS for the weather....I do have special powers!
@bvan Seeing as it was a State match, making it tough seemed only fitting. Basically it was something one would expect at a World's match.
Those youngsters could shoot for sure!
And really nice having lunch with you and the boys! Good times!