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Match Report .... SVFTC June Field Target

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Boy did we sneak in one more match before things clamped down again on monday  :'(
But that's the cards dealt and we PLAYED !! having just one fantastic Air gun field target match this last Sunday at the YOLO facility.

Gates opened up a bit before 8:00 with 5 cars with air gunners waiting to get in & help set up. More arrive and we got more bodies willing to help out than I've got ears and eyes to manage …. Course gets semi set up in record time requiring a bit of shifting and we're ready to go.

The week proceeding had been HOT … sweltering HOT being high 90's to low 100's clear up to Saturday, but Weather men said "COOL OFF" on Sunday with delta breezes.  Sure enough Saturday night was much cooler having our early morning in the 60's and by @ 1:30 pm when match was finishing up maybe 80*   Very comfortable !! with the breeze light enough target hold correction was minimal for most.

Todays match was 14 lanes with our typical 3 targets with BELLS for the off hand / kneeling having a TOTAL of 58 shots / points possible.
18 shooters get signed up, fill out the liability wavers … face masks on … practice a bit … shooters meeting and we're off and running just after 9:30 am.

* As a note we had 2 new shooters join us. Pat C who is from Las Vegas & Alex J being from the Bay area.   Welcome gentlemen !

Totals results ( possible 58 )

Pat C  47

Hunter Piston
Frank W  28

WFTF Piston
Jim P  37
Jesse A  20

Dave C  54
Son L  54
Dana W  51
Alex J  42
Tak A  21

Hunter PCP
John B  54
Scott S  54
Martin O  51
Conrad R  50
Fred B  50
Lonnie S 50 
Jim M  47
Larry G  38
Marty G  33

There was unknown when we started an unmarked lane and we had 1 squad ( 2 shooters ) miss one lane only shooting 13 … Sorry this happened for there scores would have been better  :-[

* We had 4 shooters ALL making top score ( 54 ) which was pretty cool … No top dog, just a pack of Dogs .. Lol

Tearing it all down went super fast with near everyone able & willing helping out … GREAT JOB GUYS !
As was last months match the SVFTC due to Covid-19 restrictions / conforming did not provide food or drinks being a BYO F&D.

NEXT Month we are back at IONE for the JULY match Saturday 25th….. Put it on your calendar  ;)

Scott Schneider
Match director SVFTC

Irish and wx4p reacted
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 21


Based on your write up does that mean Sac Valley or Yolo may be closed again for matches?


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Posted by: @dmw6455


Based on your write up does that mean Sac Valley or Yolo may be closed again for matches?


TBD ..... We're free to semi return to normal .. then mondays news of much tightening back up.  Crazy days ahead !!



Airgun Warriors