Important Match Ann...
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Important Match Announcement for April/May 2018. Heflin Alabama

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Hi all,

As you know, registration has just opened up for the Southern Open.  So in light of what will be going on in preparation for the match we will have an adjusted schedule and an alternate venue.  
Next week's match for April 7, 2018.  
The standard FT match (WFTF, Open, AAFTA Hunter, etc.) will be held at Walt's place.  The meal will be potluck with Walt cooking something tasty.  We need a head count for this match do determine how many burgers or dogs or sausages (or whatever) to buy.  Please RSVP to Ken Hughes is you plan on attending and if you need directions.  
For all you UK Hunter fans, we will be shooting in Heflin as normal and then those of of that want to can head over to Walt's and have some lunch afterward (it's about 25 minutes East of Heflin).  
Match May 5th 2018. 
This will be a work day to set up for the Southen Open.  There will be no WFTF or AAFTA match shot this day.  
The UK Hunter Course will still be set up.  Since it only takes an hour or so to shoot, those that would like to can go ahead and shoot it before it is torn back down in preparation for the Southern Open.  If we need to meet early to do this I'll let you know.  
Brent Books was kind enough to donate some shooting mats for our UK Hunter game so we have enough for a minimum of 5 squads.  
If you're thinking about giving the UK game a shot, here's what you need to do.  You may use either a 20fpe rifle or a 12fpe rifle. (20 fpe rifles will be classed separately).  Set you scope power anywhere around 10x (mine is at 12x I think) and a parallax setting of 20-30 yards.  Once the course starts you can't adjust your scope.  No sitting shots.  The butt of the rifle may rest on the ground but nothing else.  Forced position shots will be marked.  
I'm only setting out 15 targets so we will run 2 shots per target. It will go very quickly.  
Anyway, that's the deal until after the Southern Open.  Regular FT Match at Walt's next weekend with lunch to follow (Please RSVP Ken).  UK Hunter Match at Heflin on both April 7th and May 5th.  Work day on the 5th of May.    
Thanks and see you there!!

Rest In Peace
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 111


Where is the registration form located and what are  the dates of the 2018 Southern Open?


Fire Marshal


Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 26

Here is the link to our website, if you look on the Home page you will find the registration and if you read down the registration form there is a link (near the bottom) that takes you to an online registration form if you wish to do it all online.

Hope to see you in May!

Ken Hughes


Airgun Warriors