I wouldn't be shocked to find maybe 50, maybe 60 who travel nation wide. Though not to every event. Maybe 300-400 nation wide at any given time. I'm assuming 40+ clubs avg of 8 full time members each. This is purely observational math on my part.
I believe the ranks will swell a bit when things calm down and open back up. This will be a chance to bring new blood into the sport. Maybe.
Anyone know how many people shoot FT? All classes and power plants etc. Thanks
A couple years ago I went through the match reports to try and find out how many WFTF people were in the country. IN one year 80 names showed up at least one time at a WFTF match. That probably translates to 70 active WFTF shooters. If you tripple that it implies that there are around 200 FT shooters in the US who attend matches.
@knobs Thanks for that info Knobs. Is that all FT shooters including all the classes? Thanks
Yes, all divisions & it's just a guess, Paul. I could be way off.
It's probably more appropriate to say we have between two and three hundred.
There might be more based on the number of clubs, but the faces at the NATS are mostly the same and there's a natural "max" capacity for the NATS of around 120 on the east coast and maybe 100 on the west coast. To me, if we saw a lot of new faces every year I'd expect the FT headcount would be a higher multiple of the 110 average between coasts.
At the bigger GPs and Nationals there are say 100+ shooters typically. Figure that they are the hard core participants so to speak. Then I'd say 2 times that are shooters who go to local matches and opt out of going to these big matches and others who don't go because of the distance to travel.
300 FT shooters would be my guess.
At the bigger GPs and Nationals there are say 100+ shooters typically. Figure that they are the hard core participants so to speak. Then I'd say 2 times that are shooters who go to local matches and opt out of going to these big matches and others who don't go because of the distance to travel.
300 FT shooters would be my guess.
I agree with Brian. The AAFTA website has the 2019 shooter list for Gran Prix and there're approx. 250 shooters that attended Gran Prix events in 2019. Many more who go to local only matches. Here is the link to the AAFTA Gran Prix final results for 2019.
Venice, FL
Hey Paul,
After reading your request, it took me a little while going back over our match reports, but I have some relevent numbers that may help you....
For the years 2018 and 2019, combined numbers for all classes was 88 (unique) shooters for Airgunners of Arizona. This included 5 or 6 WFTF shooters
For 2020, we only had 50 (unique) shooters. The same 5 or 6 WFTF shooters were in this count also.
Note that for our state shoot in Sept we have folks coming from AZ, CA, NV, CO, NM, MD, MA, and NC. (one per state, except CA and AZ)
For 2018 and 2019 we had 12 matches (one per month) each year.
For 2020, we ran 12 monthly matches (none in April, but 2 in July) and also 33 TRAC (Tuesday Retired Airgun Challenge) full field target matches for our 6 - 8 retired guys.
For 2021 we expect to run 12 monthly matches, and 52 TRAC matches. The TRAC matches are members only, so it is an incentive to join the club.
This past year, we have been maintaining social distancing, and have masks if we need them, along with personal hand sanitizers....just in case. We normally keep our distance anyway and shoot one person per lane on Tuesdays. If guys are not feeling well, they don't attend. Same if they have been exposed to someone with Covid. We are lucky in that no one has gotten sick, but we are careful.
We may be unusual in that we have so many matches and that our club conex container is at Ben Avery shooting range in Phoenix, and have a scheduled range reserved on Tuesdays year round. Our monthy matches are Jan thru May and Nov, Dec at Ben Avery range. June thru October we are up at Mormon Lake, which is USDA forestry dept leased land.
Hope this info helps give you some accurate numbers for whatever you are doing. We don't have a lot of shooters traveling to other matches. With this many matches held regularly, we don't have to travel. Some of our group does go here or there.