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How are FT matches being affected by coronavirus?

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Member of Trade
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I see many events being cancelled.  Wondering about how FT clubs will cope.

North Carolina
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Make sure the lanes are at least 6’ apart.

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The Governor of Texas has decreed that a group meeting of more than ten individuals is banned.  That pretty much solves any questions...

It's easy enough to say that our game involves less than 20 people (usually) at a local level, spread out in squads of two/three over distances between lanes.  And one shooting at the line is generally a good 6 feet in front of his/her scorekeeper.

But it is also true that ours is a game for older folks, most of us over age 50, some of us over 60 (to be kind), some with "underlying medical conditions."   Let's face it, none of us are spring chickens.

Also, here in Texas, one has to drive at least an hour to a match.   And some of us drive real distances to attend (100 miles or more), and then disperse distances to return home.   Our Dallas club now has a couple guys who drive down from Oklahoma, and Kansas, in addition to several Texans who drive 3-5 hours to attend our matches.  Someone can acquire a "cold" here in Dallas and take it home... or bring one from far away.

At this point, I think the professional medical people are learning something new about Covid-19 every day.  Just my thought, but until we have more reliable information about it, it's probably best to err on the side of caution and postpone some matches...

mlmayer reacted
North Carolina
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 395

We're in the same boat here in NC. No gatherings of 10 or more people. Only drive thru open. Most churches have gone to online services.

We had to cancel the Carolina Classic GP and hope to reschedule this fall. And our Cajun friends had to cancel the Cajun Spring Classic. 

Keep practicing if you have the means, this will pass and we'll get back to FT soon!


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I would seem to think we will hear the same conditions from around the country.  We here at Airgunners of Arizona had our match this past Saturday with only 9 shooters in attendance.  I had gotten a phone call from Ben Avery range informing us that the facility is closed to the general public as of Saturday, but user groups with scheduled matches/classes/etc were permitted but met at the gate by staff in order to gain admittance.  Currently the entire facility is now closed until Thursday so they can put protocols into place to protect their personnel and the general public if/when they decide to reopen.

We have our TRAC matches scheduled for each of the Tuesdays in April, and have our April and May matches scheduled at BASF as well.

As for the Mormon Lake matches, I received word that the USDA/forestry service may close the national forest, but that is up in the air.  All of our matches for the year are scheduled, but gaining access to the facilities that we use may be a different story.  We are working on a day to day basis.

I can tell you that folks seem to be sheltering in place, as the freeways around Phoenix are very lightly traveled, parking lots at stores around town are next to empty, and all eat-in restaurants are closed except for drive thru only.  I have seen supermarkets open.  Costco was open when i got gas this morning.  The good thing was that gas is down to $2.09 per gallon!

At least I can practice shooting dots across my patio at 9 yards distant, and the weather is pleasant.  The wife and I have been out walking on the canal banks/paths, but seeing fewer people than before.  Now she wants me to wear a bandana over my mouth and nose while out.  Hmmmmm......I hope it doesn't come to that, but who knows?

Stay safe and do what you have to do.

Member of Trade
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 389

In California all the ACTIVE FT clubs shoot at establish ranges.. those ranges have ALL shut down due to state mandated group activity bans.

NO Field Target matches be it Club or State or GP until something changes ... BUMMER !


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