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GOB Match Report - July 11, 2020

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Posted for Roz:

A reminder of Roz’s GOB match for this Saturday. 8am sightin, 9am match, $5 match fee.

Weather may be a bit unsettled so check back for a Friday update.  COVID protocols will be in place.

Limbshaker reacted
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Forecast looks good (and hot!), be prepared to hydrate and wear your bug juice.

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Another nice morning for field target in southern Tennessee, warmer than last time with temperatures starting in the mid 70s and reaching near 90 by match end.  Luckily (except for the heat factor) the wind didn't kick up much until the end of the match.

The nice weather greeted a nice turnout of shooters too, 9 in all, including Rod Bradley who we hadn't seen in a long while.  Welcome back Rod!  Still missing some regulars, hope to see everyone soon.

Conditions were good for high scores, every class was won by a new personal best for the shooter.  Here's the details:

Match Winner:
58/60 - Danny Ayers/Thomas Carbine/Leupold 35X/JSB 8.4


58/60 - Danny Ayers/Thomas Carbine/Leupold 35X/JSB 8.4
54/60 - David Slade/Steyr LG110/Nikko 10-50/JSB 8.4

Open PCP:

55/60 - Bill Ellis/Steyr LG110/Sightron 10-50/JSB 10.3
46/60 - Roz Sumpter/TM1000/Sightron 10-50/AA 8.4
45/60 - Cliff Smith/TM1000/Bushnell 8-32/AA 10.3
37/60 - Jim Baumann/Daystate Huntsman/Konus 12-50/AA 10.3

Hunter PCP:

45/60 - Chase Jones/HW100/OptisanEVX 6-24/Crosman 7.9
32/60 - Rod Bradley/Steyr-H5A/Athlon Talos 6x/CrosmanPremier .22
23/60 - Brent Browning/Crosman Maximus/UTG 6-24/AA 8.4

Next monthly match: Invicta July 25, 8:00 am Setup, 9:00 am Start.


Here's a few pics from the match and some of my favorite targets.  The sniper is my all time favorite, but the barn door and Yosemite Sam are right up there too.  Can anyone pick out the best innovation I've seen in a while? 🙂

20200711 105907
20200711 110118
20200711 105934
20200711 110528
20200711 110516
20200711 110231
20200711 110743
20200711 110202
20200711 110446
20200711 110751
20200711 105955
20200711 110017
20200711 111007
20200711 111033
20200711 111200

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Posts: 164

Great shooting Danny. Also, very nice match report. Good seeing all my buds out doing what they do best. I wish I could say the same for my neck of the woods.

Best innovation, I am guessing, is the portable battery powered fan. I have one myself that I was going to use if we ever get a match.

ps Love the sniper and the barn, especially with the large square opening.

Oh, and I might adopt Cliff's anti-tick approach with his socks. LOL

Venice, FL

wx4p reacted
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Thanks Gary! And the fan, yes!  I could've used it as my glasses were fogging constantly in the humidity.

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Posts: 228

Danny that's an awesome score you laid down! I have no doubt that you will be able to do it again, and best it here soon, you always seem to be hanging out up in those 50s... ? 

Really nice morning to be out shooting, always glad to get to see everybody. Thanks to Roz for having us out! 

And thanks for the pics Danny!

Now we just gotta figure out a way to mount that fan on the elevation turrett.... ? 

wx4p reacted

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