GOB match report 9/...
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GOB match report 9/12/2020

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Lower than usual turnout again this month but the 6 who made it enjoyed a nice morning of Field Target in the pines.  It was great to see Brad at Roz's Hollow for the first time in a while, and also one new competitor, Oscar Valent, was visiting from Florida.  Oscar made quite an impression on the course and we hope to see him often in the future.

Earlier in the week the weatherman was predicting a nice fall feeling in the air Saturday.  Well, that did *NOT* happen, but fortunately neither did the chance of rain for the day. Temps were a very muggy 80 at match start and reached about 87 by match end around 11am with winds just breezy enough to keep you thinking.  We're still honoring COVID precautions and shooting solo so the match moved along very quickly.

I managed to take home the overall win by tying my previous personal best score, but my PB was only one point better than Oscar who shot an awesome 57 in his first visit to Roz's Hollow. Cliff and Roz had a tight battle for the Open win with Cliff prevailing by one point.  Brad's score is illustrative of the importance of stock setup and fit, especially with a springer... he was using a proven action in a new stock that didn't fit well and struggled with unpredictable fliers all day.

Here's all the details:

Match Winner:
58/60 - Danny Ayers/Thomas Carbine/Leupold 35X/JSB 8.4


58/60 - Danny Ayers/Thomas Carbine/Leupold 35X/JSB 8.4
48/60 - David Slade/Steyr LG110/Nikko 10-50/JSB 8.4

Hunter PCP:

57/60 - Oscar Valent/Thomas FT/Sightron 10-50/AA 10.3

Open PCP:

47/60 - Cliff Smith/TM1000/Konus 10-40/AA 10.3
46/60 - Roz Sumpter/TM1000/BSA 10-50/AA 8.4

WFTF Piston:

40/60 - Brad Troyer/TX200 MKI/Sightron 10-50/AA 8.4

Many thanks to Roz for hosting us at the GOB again.  Next nearby monthly match: Invicta September 26, 8:00 am Setup, 9:00 am Start.  Hope to see everyone there.



Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 165

Great shooting Danny and how about that Oscar guy. LOL 

I am proud to call Oscar a member of the Florida DeSoto Airgunners FT group and a friend. I hope Oscar and Cliff get back here soon. 

Great shooting all. Thanks for the report and Hi to all for me. 

Venice, FL

wx4p reacted
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@GLPalinkas Hey Gary, yes Oscar had a great match and he even  gave credit to his mentor, you! ? 

Hope you are all doing well down in FL, and look forward to normal times soon when we can all shoot together again.


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Posts: 61

Is Oscar Valent on this forum?  I knew an Oscar Valent many years ago during my Model Rocket days...

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Posts: 2

@dragon64 Yes, sent you a PM.  Oscar


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