FT Match in Beautif...
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FT Match in Beautiful Concord, Ca - Diablo Rod and Gun, at the MPR, within the USI range

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We'll offer a match  for your airguns of .22 cal and below, 20 ft/lbs and below. 
Please, pellet guns only and we recommend using a scoped rifle.
Eye protection and $10 gets you involved if you are a Diablo member, $15 if not.  Youth 18 and under shoot for free, but need an adult supervisor.
We have loaner guns and some of the nicest people on the planet for you to shoot with. 
The Diablo Volunteers have put a lot of work into preparing the range- social distancing, wash station, and other precautions assist all of us staying well.
Fresh air is just what the Doctor ordered, so get some vitamin "D" (for Diablo) this Sunday.
Please catch up on the latest rules:
The MPR is an outdoor range and can be enjoyed subject to new county Covid requirements.  You must read: Diablo COVID-19 SOP 
Here are the specifics of the MPR portion of the SOP:
The RSO will assign shooting stations to keep distance between attendees.
The range will include signage and tape marks showing six-foot buffers between shooters
Shooters place event fee into the fee bucket. Bring exact amounts.
One person allowed in the restroom at a time. Each user must spray the seat, and surfaces touched with  disinfectant.
Wash hands thoroughly, after using the disinfectant at the wash station, and throughout the day.
Setup at 8:30 am, Safety Briefing at 9:00 am. Practice immediately thereafter. 
Hope to see you there!



4700 Evora Road
Concord, California 94520

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 166
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Father's day broke bright and shiny, with a little wisp of of wind from the Wicked Wendy. 18 mph was the report on my cell, but it might have been more- until it was less. At least it came consistently from one direction. That one direction kept changing, leading to some rust getting knocked off of those FT muscles. Didn't bother Mr. Consistent, Riz... I'm sure you could have done better but you weren't there so we are going with Riz for the top prize.

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kevin Yang came out and wrung out Gabes rifle- funny how it worked so well when Gabe shot it?

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It was Fathers Day and our kids came out and humored (and humbled) us:

My daughter

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Son Liu helping his daughter:

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Conrad with his son:

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General pictures of a great time:

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Kevin Y.

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Hope to see you all soon!

Martin O'





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