The Falls Township Rifle and Pistol Association in Fairless Hills PA (Philadelphia suburb) will be holding our second and final Field Target match of the Covid 19 shortened season on Sunday 11/15/20. For this event we will be observing established social distancing protocols with masks required when social distancing is not possible. We will use squads with the provision that social distancing is required. If you do not opt to socially distance then a mask is required at all times, except when you are in your shooting position. The choice is yours. We will observe safety precautions. There is plenty of room on the course and around the air practice range to maintain separation. When checking your Zero, use the time you need on the line and move on so that everyone has a chance to sight in.
The 10 lane 60 shot rifle course is laid out on the lakeside trails of the club’s 3D archery course. Within the confines of the 34 targets we have also laid out a 20 target / 40 shot course for those who wish to shoot pistol only or be adventurous and compete in both disciplines. Approximately 1/3 of the targets are tree or pole mounted with higher elevation angles. Even though the average distance is longer than usual for us, with lots of full size kill zones there will be plenty of targets that even novice and new shooters should be able to take down along with challenging lanes and targets for the more experienced entrants. We certainly look forward to seeing all our regulars, urge them to bring a friend and invite anyone interested in Field Target to join us for some FT fun.
The match program with all details is pasted in below.
Larry Bowne for
The Field Target Committee at FTRPA
Falls Township Rifle and Pistol Assn.
2020 Field Target Schedule
354 Newbold Road, Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania
DATES: November 15th. (The third Sunday of the month.)
CLASSES: AAFTA, WFTF, Hunter, Unlimited and Off-Hand. PCP, CO2, Pneumatic and Spring powered rifles and pistols all permitted. (additional non-AAFTA classes may be available).
RULES: A 20 Foot Pound Maximum applies to all rifles; A 12 Foot Pound Maximum applies to all pistols. Current AAFTA rules apply to both Rifle and Pistol configurations.
ELIGIBILITY: Open to all shooters. Both club members and non-members alike.
FEES: $8.00 for Rifle $5.00 for Pistol $12.00 for Rifle and Pistol
TIME: Sight-in and practice 8:00 A.M. to 9:15 A.M. Registration is from 8:00 A.M. until 9:15 A.M. The match begins at 9:30 A.M.
COURSE OF FIRE: Rifle: The match will consist of 30 targets, two shots each. Distances will be from 10 to 55 yards.
Pistol: The match will consist of 20 targets, two shots each. Distances will be 10 to 35 yards.
You may use open or optical sights. Tie breaker targets will be used for both rifle and pistol, if a tie exists. Rifle and Pistol matches will be shot concurrently. If a shooter opts to shoot both rifle and pistol, they will shoot pistol first and then rifle at each lane. Eye protection is required for shooters and spectators.
Sodas and water are available at the Archery club house. The match will be shot straight through with no lunch break. Food will not be served. You may bring your lunch and eat in the clubhouse after completing the match if you desire.
AWARDS: Awards will be based on raw scores. Awards will be given for all classes. Prizes will be awarded after the matches as soon as the scores are tallied. Please Note: If there are insufficient shooters in a given class the match director may consolidate classes at their discretion.
DIRECTIONS: From Rte 1 (freeway) south (from Trenton): Take Rte 1 South to Rte 13 South (Tullytown – Bristol). This is just past Snipes Nursery in Morrisville. Take Lower Morrisville Rd exit (only a few hundred yards after entering Rte 13). At end of ramp make a right onto Lower Morrisville Rd (This will become Newbold Road). FTRPA is on the left side of the road approximately 7/10th of a mile from the exit ramp.
From Rte 1 (freeway) North: Take Rte 1 North to exit for Rte 13 South (Tullytown – Bristol). Take exit for Lower Morrisville Rd shortly after entering Rte 13. At end of ramp make a right onto Lower Morrisville Rd (This will become Newbold Road). FTRPA is on the left side of the road approximately 7/10th of a mile from the exit ramp.
From Calhoun Street Bridge: Take Calhoun Street Bridge into Pennsylvania. Go through light at end of bridge onto Trenton Avenue. Go 1.4 miles on Trenton Avenue and make left onto Rte 13. This is the 4th light after the light at the bridge and there is a Planet Fitness on the corner. Proceed on Rte 13 South for 1 mile to the Lower Morrisville Road exit. At end of ramp make a right onto Lower Morrisville Rd (This will become Newbold Road). FTRPA is on the left side of the road approximately 7/10th of a mile from the exit ramp .
MATCH DIRECTORS: Rich Bassett, Telephone: 215-942-7955, E-Mail, Jim Wilcox, Telephone: 215-443-9631, E-Mail:
Falls Township Rifle & Pistol Assn.
November 15, 2020
Submitted by Rick Bassett
Our November match is always a bit of a gamble weather wise and this one was no exception. The early forecast was for rain but we ended up with early sun that changed to clouds and kind of nasty weather BUT moderate temps for November and NO RAIN. Larry again did his usual fine job designing a different and interesting course. Although no two FT courses are ever the same at Falls, this one was similar to the October course using all of the same lanes but with some different target selection and placement. Average target distance was around 33 yards with the Troyer still at 28. Kill zone sizes were from ¾” to 1¾” at the full range of distances with no duplication. The 40 shot pistol match was imbedded in the rifle course and was more difficult with an average distance of 23 yards and a weighted Troyer of 34.
Scores are posted below and as can be seen, we combined a lot of Divisions and Classes due to the relatively light turnout. Paul Cray had the high match score which could not be beat! He cleaned the course with a perfect 60/60 which was a first in the 10 years we have been running matches at Falls. Please don’t think that because our match is not extremely difficult that it is easy. There are a lot of difficult shots including some very long elevated shots close to the lake with plenty of wind! I did not go back and check my records but there have been at least 700 shooters over the years that have tried to clean our FT course. Several have come close but Paul is the very first to actually do it! After the match he asked me when we were going to put the hard targets out!
Thank you to all the shooters who come out and attend our matches and for everyone behaving in a responsible manner in these times. Thanks also to the archers for taking the day off and to all of our helpers. This was the final match for this year. We will publish our 2021 schedule by the end of the year. All of our matches will still be held on the third Sunday of the month and also be reminded that in the alternate months we shoot NRA air rifle and air pistol silhouette(for those who like a real challenge).
November 16, 2020
Shooter Rifle Scope Pellet Score
Tom Wade AA S500 Hawke JSB 10.3 50
Greg Dipple AA S510 Hawke AA 10.34 48
Tom Ryan Thomas FT Sightron JSB 13.4 48
Ed Carter Huntsman Hawke JSB 10.34 45
Paul Varney HW 100 Hawke JSB 10.3 39
Hank Hammell HW 98 UTG JSB 15.89 23
Bob Stolzenberger Huntsman ??? H&N 10.65 23
Jim Wilcox HW 35 G&R JSB 8.4 15
Paul Cray Thomas March 8-80X 8.4 60
Brian Van Liew TM 1000 Nikko JSB 13.43 56
Tom Holland Thomas Kahles 10-50X AA 10.3 50
Rick Bassett EV-2 Leupold 40X AA 8.4 49
Mike Harris Anschutz Nikko 10-50X AA 8.4 47
Larry Bowne AA ProSport Bushnell 32X AA 8.4 31
Brian Van Liew FX Elite UTG JSB 7.87 35
Tom Holland Crosman 1720T Leapers Target Tech 15 26
Mike Harris FWB P70 Hawke AA 8.4 10
@rich177 Thank you Richard and all the crew for putting on a great match! Finishing on lane 2 with those high and long targets with the now very strong wind had me really working to remain clean! And squadded with Jim Wilcox was an honor! Thanks