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ESCAA Field Target Match Sunday 10-11-2020 + Match Report

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New York
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 128
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Hi all 

The weather for Sunday is looking good so far but rain is in the picture for Sunday afternoon I will send another email if the match will be cancelled no later then Friday 10-09-20

Thanks And Be Safe


The range requires that masks are to worn at all times you may remove or lower the mask while shooting on the lanes.   

Masks & Face Coverings Guidance

Cloth face coverings can be fashioned from household items or made at home from common materials at low-cost, and should be used as a public health measure, beyond social distancing.

Individuals must procure, fashion, or otherwise obtain face coverings and wear them when they are in a public and are: 

  • within six feet of distance from other individuals; or 
  • in a situation or setting where they are unable to maintain six feet of distance from other individuals.
  • When wearing cloth face coverings in public settings, where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community transmission, you should: 
  • Make sure that they fit snugly and cover their nose and mouth. 
  • Not become complacent with other protective measures.
    • Do not touch the cloth covering or face.
    • Continue to be vigilant with thorough and frequent hand washing with soap and water, or alcohol-based hand sanitizer of 60%+ alcohol. 
    • Practice respiratory etiquette and cover your coughs or sneezes. 
    • Practice social distancing – even when wearing masks. 
    • Stay home and help flatten the curve! 

While cloth face coverings may not prevent the wearer from becoming infected, they might help slow spread from people who have the virus and are unaware. 

Read the guidance document on use of cloth face coverings by the NYS Department of Health. 

Hand protection - you are recommended to bring your own gloves or hand sanitizer. 

We will have 1 shooter per lane and Bring your own pencil

For this shoot, PCP shooters must bring their own air supply.


CLASSES: AAFTA: OPEN: PCP & Spring Piston, WFTF: PCP & Spring Piston, HUNTER: PCP & Spring Piston, OFF-HAND, JUNIOR, PISTOL and UNLIMITED. 


RULES: A 20 Foot Pound Maximum applies to all rifles; Current AAFTA rules apply.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all shooters both club members and non-members.

FEES: $15.00 for Non – members and 10.00 for members

TIME: Sight-in and practice 9:00 A.M. to 10:15 A.M. Registration is from 9:00 A.M. until 10:15 A.M. The Rifle match begins at 10:30 A.M.  


PROGRAM: The match will consist of 30 targets, (10 lanes 3 targets per lane) 2 shots per target for a total score of 60. The lanes will be shot near to far and timers will be used.


The shooting order will be Hunter class, Open class, WFTF class and Off-Hand class

Scoring will be “x” for a knock down and “0” for miss, the scoring for Junior will be “2” for a knock down and “1” for a face hit.


Distances will be from 10 to 55 yards

DIRECTIONS: Address: 724 Middle Country Road, Ridge, NY 11961 this address is across the road from the entry of the range


From the LIE (Long Island Expressway) East or West take exit 68 North (William Floyd Parkway) to Route 25 East stay on route 25 east for about a mile on the left side you will see the Brookhaven Shooting Range the Airgun Range is located behind the registration building. 



Tom Wade phone: 631-463-4223, E-Mail:
Tom Holland, Telephone: 347-886-1249, E-Mail:

New York
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 128
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The weather looks like it will be good for Sunday so the match is a go.

New York
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 128
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Hi All 

We hand our match this past Sunday we had 9 shooters from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut are the results are

Open PCP

Brian V. shot 52/60 Match High

Mark M. shot 45/60

Hunter PCP

Jim J. shot 18/60 New Shooter

Tom W. DNF


Tom H. shot 46/60

Hunter Piston

Mike G. Shot 35/60

Roel J. shot 25/60

Joe K. shot 24/60

WFTF Piston

Leo G. Shot 50/60

The condition for the match were overcast and windy that was the most wind we had for a match in a long time.

I want thank everyone that came to the shoot and helped with the clean up our next match is November 22

Thanks And Be Safe




Airgun Warriors