EFTCC match in New ...
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EFTCC match in New York on August 5th

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New York
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The next EFTCC FT Match will be held on August 5th at the EFTCC home range. 


This will be a 50 shot match with 8 classes/divisions: 


Open PCP, WFTF PCP, Hunter PCP, Open Piston, WFTF Piston, Hunter Piston, Pistol, and Junior Classes (Unlimited Shooters will shoot in the open division either Piston or PCP class). 


If anyone needs a loaner gun contact us at least a day before so we can make sure we have something for you. 


We will be sighting in on range 4 where the match is being held so come straight up to range 4 to register when you get there. 


A Troyer rating of 25.24 with no wind and 30.52 with wind is designed for this match. NO target is above a 60 TD even with wind. KZ sizes being used are 1 - 1.75", 17 - 1.5", 5 - 1.25" (12 targets under 20 yards, all targets smaller than 1.5" are under 14 yards), and the elevated target stand has a 1" and 0.75" target at under 12 yards. So we are looking at what should be a relatively easy course, Right!!!! But keep in mind the average target distance is 30.4 yards. Shooters going to the Worlds in Poland will find plenty of long targets to challenge them and get them ready for the worlds (7 targets past 50 yards on this course, all 1.5" or larger). 


Remember..... All individuals that clean the course will shoot their next EFTCC match for free!!! Hasn't happened yet but this could be the time. 


Scoring for the Pistol Class will be as follows: 2 points for a knocked down target, 1 point for a hit on metal, and 0 points for a complete miss. All other classes score 1 point for a knocked down target and 0 points for everything else. We will be following the AAFTA rules. 


Sight in lanes will open at 8:30AM, and the match will start at 10AM. Entry fee will be $10 for Adults and $5 for Shooters that are 16 y/o and under and $5 for the Second Class shot. Yes that is right you can shoot 2 classes during the match but you must use 2 different guns and you must shoot the harder class first. Order of classes to be shot is Hunter, Pistol, Standing, Piston, Open/PCP/WFTF/Unlimited with no exceptions. Juniors can not shoot 2 classes. 



Unfortunitely our website is down so here is the address for your GPS's: 


Dutchess County Pistol Association, 

47 St. Nicholas Road, 

Wappingers Falls, NY 12590. 


And Coordinates: 

N41.61591 W73.88460 

Previous match photos, results and announcements and maps to the range: 


If anyone is interested in joining us for breakfast we eat at the Perkins at 7am that is on route 9 near the range (1576 U.S. 9, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590). 


Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 601

The weather station is calling for Great weather for Sunday. Two or Three mph winds? ?  ? I'm going to try to make it Ray

New York
Joined: 7 years ago
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The match is all set up and ready to go. It's going to be a great day tomorrow

New Jersey
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 100

See you at breakfast!

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Posts: 601

Sorry to of missed a great day of shooting. Last evening I packed my truck up and was all set to leave at 04:30 this am. Set my alarm for 03:30 and it didn't go off.  Woke up at 05:30 and a little ticked off to say the least but just to late to make the 300 mile trip.  ☹️ 


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