Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary.
50% Chance of showers, high to moderate winds, 100% chance of good times and shooting.
Same Bat Time, Same Bat place- Action Pistol Range, USI, Concord Ca. 8:30 am setup. Rain or Shine, snorkels if needed.
9:00 am Safety brief and sight in. Might be the last time shooting Airguns at the APR (!).
NOTICE: The USI public pistol range, directly behind us is now OPEN!
Do not go onto/up any berms. Do not place any targets up on the berms
Please watch your speed entering and exiting the range- we have many more visitors, some of whom haven’t been here before. The lower road is one direction only- inbound. Leaving the range, please exit via the high road- your mom always said to take the high road and she was correct.
Airguns for this sport are limited to 20 fpe of energy. Protective eye wear is required. Pellet projectiles only, .22 cal and lower. Loaner guns and ammo available with advanced notice- contact
Cost for the match is:
$10.00 members and $15.00 for Guests
Juniors with Diablo Member host- no charge