Hi all,
It seems that there is some confusion with respect to the changes happening at Heflin. Hopefully this post will clarify and shed some light on the subject.
When I made the previous post concerning the change at the venue and when I sent out the corresponding email to our local shooters, I omitted this statement that was included in my letter to the BoG chairman.
> As to the future, we will play it by ear. If AAFTA is interested in the venue, I will certainly support this wholeheartedly.
And as stated in the BoG letter, I will support any interest that AAFTA has in having an event at Heflin. Same thing with the guys traveling around with the WFTF practice matches. This is a great venue and is available for use. Not having this in the post here or in the email was an oversight on my part.
Concerning communication about this or any other questions you may have about what is happening here in Heflin, you may contact me via email>
If you have my phone number, please feel free to call. If you would like my phone number, contact me via email and I will be glad to give it to you.
Based on the lack of feedback I received thus far, I had no idea this was a thing. I sent a letter to the BoG, sent out an email and posted in this forum and received one reply via email that wasn't a question but a statement.
So if you have any questions, concerns or would like to discuss the future of this venue, feel free to give me a call.
Paul Oswalt
Thanks for the that clarification Paul.
Several of us were wondering what effect it was having on the Southern Open.
Hey Paul,
That option remains open. I would like to continue the yearly two day match. I plan on keeping up all the requirements to remain eligible (holding at least one AAFTA match yearly, paying dues, etc.). I wish I could be more specific but I just don't know. I'm a one man show around here now. All I can say is Stay Tuned!!
PS. Thank you Paul for the question. I have come to understand that there is a lot of talk. Over 100 people have read this thread but no one emails or contacts me. I'm not sure where they are getting their information but it is not from the Match Director at Heflin. P
That's great news Paul
The venue at Heflin areare favorite courses of the grand prix's that I do each year. I know a lot of other people feel the same way.
Heflin has it all. Topography, Darkness, elevation, you name it and Heflin has it!
I don't believe you need to keep your after AAFTA requirements, if you just wanted to be strictly a UKHFT club.
The Southern Open would be hosted by the Atlanta Club, just using your Venue.
I would like to try a UKHFT match. Being 8 hours plus does not make it a day trip for me. Right now we're busy with the preparations for the Nationals and the going to the Pyramid Cup coming next month.
I will see if Chris or someone else would like to make a weekend of it, and come down to shoot a match. Would need to set a gun up for it first.
Oh, send try a little practice too. Don't want to be too embarrassed! Lol
The Southern Open would be hosted by the Atlanta Club, just using your Venue.
Sorry Paul, but I've made the decision to dissolve this relationship. The dual club hosting situation was not working out and ultimately that is my fault since I am the MD here. It was my decision, mine alone and I take full responsibility. So in light of this, if there is a Southern Open or a Heflin Open or any other Grand Prix event, it will be hosted by the Mt. Cheaha Airgun Club.
Although this is unfortunate, I did see it as the opportunity to go ahead and make the UKAHFT game a reality. When talking this over with the PARD and the Mayor, it was brought back to my attention that they have always envisioned something that will be more accessible to the local community, so from that perspective this has been a good change.
I've been approached about bringing AAFTA back and I'm not against this. There are some course changes that must occur first and the UKAHFT game will take precedence, but if it happens the matches will be on different days.
I would like to try a UKHFT match. Being 8 hours plus does not make it a day trip for me. Right now we're busy with the preparations for the Nationals and the going to the Pyramid Cup coming next month.
I will see if Chris or someone else would like to make a weekend of it, and come down to shoot a match. Would need to set a gun up for it first.
We would love to have y'all down. The plan is to have some type of Regional Match once things are rolling good. The feedback thus far has been outstanding!! We had 7 shooters at this month's match and it tremendous fun.
I hope this answers your questions. I hate that things turned out this way but such is life.
So, I'm confused. Will there be a AAFTA approved Grand Prix event called the Southern Open, held in Heflin? I shot this match in 2017. This was THE BEST corse I've shot at. Planed on going again this year, but my health prevented it. Was hoping to go again next year.
Hi Phil,
I wish I could give you a 100% answer, but right this moment I don’t know.
We were running two styles of field target concurrently, AAFTA and UKAHFT. Also, the Southern Open was being run as a shared responsibility between the Mount Cheaha Airgun Club and Airgunning Atlanta.
For reasons beyond my control I had to end this relationship. It was my decision as MD and the buck stops with me but I’m still not happy about any of this. A public forum is no place to air this out and I will not do that.
So as it stands now, we are shooting a full 30 lane UKAHFT course on the 1st Saturday of each month. We also plan to start shooting AAFTA/ WFTF matches starting on the 3rd Saturday in October. I will have to see what the participation level is and the willingness of the shooters to host before making a decision on the Southern Open
Part of the reason for the split dates for the monthly matches is that we are going to a “Match Weekend” format. We will have a normal match format on Saturday morning as usual. But the rest of the weekend will be available to shoot for score. So if you couldn’t make it out on Saturday then maybe Sunday afternoon would work. Or maybe you want to shoot it multiple times over the weekend. I’m very excited about this but there are some things we need to have in place for it to happen. Also, for people that would like to shoot both styles of FT, this will allow them to participate more effectively.
So that was a long answer for I’m not sure. I want to have it but we’ll have to see. I will post something as soon as I know. If we do shoot the Southern Open it will be earlier in the year for sure May is too late, too busy and too hot