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Central Carolina Gun Club match April 21

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North Carolina
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Come on out and shoot with us.  Registration and information about the match is here.  


You can pay at the match if you like.  Please bring exact change.

See you there,

Gerald Long

FT Match Director



North Carolina
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The latest weather report calls for cool temps in the morning, then warming up to 67 degrees. 

I'll try to get out there tomorrow and see what the storm this past Sunday did to us. 

North Carolina
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 209

I'll be there Gerald

North Carolina
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 60


You know I plan on being there and as always looking forward to it. Going for another personal best. Striving for 50/60 this time so be kind when setting up.

I'd like to mention that some of us are planning on going for lunch after the match. So I just wanted to let everyone know before hand to get permission and a little extra cash for lunch.

 We enjoy your match's but getting together with everyone afterwards is like icing on the cake.  Especially for us winners. I think Paul Porch wants to go some where different this time. He seems to have issues with the fine, southern, BQ type establishments we've enjoyed in the past. Anyway to be fare, I reckon I could try some Yankee type grub if I have too.

See you then   

North Carolina
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Posts: 209

Ha, not that I don't like the BBQ place. Great chicken there. I just want to have something different this trip.  There is a steak house, an Oyster house, Italian/pizza place, and 2 diners in Mebane 10 min out of where the match is. Also close to get back on 40 like said BBQ joint 


North Carolina
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There's also a Mexican restaurant that is pretty good on 62 close to Hursey's.

North Carolina
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Central Carolina Gun Club Match Report – 2018 April 21   
Location: 3668 Fleming Graham Rd., Burlington, NC 
Temperature: 54-68 °F
Wind: Primarily out of the West and calm with intermittent gusts to 8+ MPH   
Number of Targets: 30 (60 points maximum)   
Average Distance: 29.7 yards (7 targets over 40 yards)   
Average Kill Zone: 1.12”   
Course Difficulty: 29.7T, with wind ~32T


April scores



Those who were able to attend the match certainly enjoyed a beautiful day.  I don’t know if there was a cloud in the sky during the whole match.  The morning was a little cool, but when the sun got high up in the sky and most everyone shed their long sleeves.  Once again the wind was tricky as most everyone got caught between in a change at some point during the match. 


We had a couple of target issues.  One of the tree targets, an owl on Lane 2, fell out of the tree so everyone got two hits to make up for the malfunction.  The second target issue was on the kneeling lane.  The close target was obscured by a small tree for those taking the shot from the standing position.  Both issues are easy enough to fix before the next match.


We had a total of thirteen shooters.  Hunter class had the highest participation.  John Ford shot the match high score of 52 to take first place.  Great shooting John! Dwight Myers was second with a score of 40.  Miguel Sanchez shot a 33 to finish third.   Ed Canoles was the sole piston shooter with a score of 18.



In Open, Raymond Hawkins took home first with a score of 41.  Paul Porch brought out his Air Arms FTP 900 and shot a 35 for second.  Art Claudio was third with a score of 30. 


We had four WFTF shooters.  Curt Hathaway made his trip it all the way from the coast of South Carolina worthwhile by taking first with a score of 44.  Scott Allen was second with a score of 41 and Gerald Long was third with a 40.  This finishing order was a sore point between the second and third place finishers as Scott purchased the vintage Anschutz from Gerald less than a week prior to the match.  Ron Birnbaum was the sole WFTF piston shooter and finished with a 36.


The next match is scheduled for May 12.  See you then.

Gerald Long

Central Carolina Gun Club


DeadEyeNC and Scott_A reacted

North Carolina
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 209

Beautiful day for a match. Winds a little tricky, but a great day. 

Had fun trying 12 fpe in Open.  Learned some things. Especially that shooting 12 fpe is a whole other world from high power! I kind of like it.......Not! Lol

Congrats to all who competed.  My hats off to Ray who had been getting better each outing. 

Lunch with all who came was really enjoyable! Good BS session to be had. We need more to come next time.. .. 

Thanks to Gerald for another great day of shooting.


Scott_A reacted
North Carolina
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 60


Thanks again for setting up and running another great match. It's always a pleasure to see you and our many fun loving THAGC members. I really like your newly designed course and how well everything flows. Getting together after the match for lunch was just a bonus and hopefully that part will become just as popular as your well run matches.   

Already looking forward to the next one.


Airgun Warriors