Match Date: June 17th, Sunday
80 shot (40 target – 20 lane) match. Average distance approximately 35 yards. Shoot one shot per target twice – 4 shots per lane.
For example, lane 7 will have targets 13 and 14. You must shoot 13 first, then 14, then 13 again and finally 14.
The following AAFTA classes and rules will be used:
PCP or Piston - Hunter, Open, WFTF, Juniors
PCP or Piston - Unlimited Class (attached bipods, tripods, range finders are allowed)
9:00 AM Sign Up/Open Practice
10:00 AM Shooter's Meeting/Match start
Entry fee: $15 Adults, $5 Juniors or CAG members
Must sign a waiver/release of liability form. Eye protection is required.
Loaner air rifle available (Crosman Custom Shop Marauder - Mueller 8-32x44 scope for Hunter or Open Class PCP)
Water and snacks will be provided. Pizza maybe ordered if enough people are interested.
Highly recommend bringing your own folding chair, wearing waterproof boots and applying insect repellent.
4500 psi 75 cu. ft. air tank will be available for PCP shooters.
41°36'52.5"N 72°15'18.3"W (41.614582,-72.255081)
North St. (dirt road)
Lebanon, CT 06249
Site venue information:
Open (long and narrow) grassy field next to manmade pond and swamp land on the north side (abandoned excavator on site), dirt road & property parking available, roadside wood fencing, one portable toilet, no buildings, no electricity. Tree line on south defines property line. Corn field on south side is not part of the property. Any garbage generated needs to be removed from the property.
Leo Gonzales
cell: (203) 988-4261 – no cell phone reception while at the match site
Alternate Contact:
John Eroh - cell: (774) 521-8369
Connecticut Air Gunners Match Report – 2018 June 17
Location: North St, Lebanon, CT 06249 (GPS 41.614582, -72.255081)
Match Site: Long and narrow flat open field with a pond on one side and trees on the other. Open corn field beyond the trees and marshy swamp land beyond the pond.
Temperature: 85 degrees Fahrenheit – Sunny.
Wind: 1-3 MPH
Number of Targets: 40 (80 points maximum)
Average Distance: 34.6 yards (15 targets over 40 yards)
Average Kill Zone: 1.36” (Mix of ½", 1, 1 ½” & 40mm kill zones)
Course Difficulty: 33.34T with Wind (28.19T)
Match Times: Setup 6:30-9:00 AM, Practice 9:00–10:15 AM, Match 10:15 AM-1:30 PM, Course Takedown 2:30 PM-3:00 PM
Results/Attendees: (13 shooters total)
61/80 John Eroh – Air Arms FTP 900 – AA 8.4 grains – 760 fps – 10.8 FPE - Sightron 10-50x60
52/80 Tom Holland – Benjamin Marauder – H&N Sniper Mediums 8.5 grains – Sightron 10-50x60
PCP Open
68/80 Chas DiCapua – RAW TM1000 – JSB 10.34 grains – 900 fps – 18.6 FPE - Sightron 10-50x60
67/80 Brian VanLiew – FX Elite FT – AA 10.3 grains - Sightron 10-50x60
50/80 Vasyl Povroznyk - Zbroia Kozak – Crosman Premiers 10.5 grains – Aztec Emerald 5.5-25x50
PCP Hunter
46/80 Tom Wade – AA EV2 – AA 8.4 grains – Hawke 6-24x
Piston WFTF
69/80 Ray Apelles – D54 Custom Bullpup – AA 8.4 grains – 785 fps – 11.5 FPE – March FX 5-40x
58/80 Nathan Thomas – Walther LGU – AA 8.4 grains – Bushnell 8-32x40
51/80 Jerry La Rocca – Walther LGU (40 shots) & AA TX200 (40 shots) - JSB 8.44 grains – Bushnell 8-32x40
(DNC) 54/80 Leo Gonzales – Walther LGU – AA 8.4 grains – Sightron 10-50x60
Piston Hunter
40/80 Ron Dumond – Air Arms TX200 – AA 8.4 grains – 3-12x44
21/80 Rosalie Paulsen - Crosman 1720T – AADF 8.4 grains – 760 fps – 10.77 FPE – Mueller 8-32x44
18/80 Hans Apelles – Crosman 1720T – AADF 8.4 grains – 760 fps – 10.77 FPE - Leupold Competition 35x45
Conditions were perfect for shooting - calm winds, sunny skies. It was a hot day. The aroma of cow manure was present throughout the day coming from the neighboring farms.
It was going to be a long day of shooting. I still wanted to do a WFTF style format with one shot per target but shooting the targets twice. The targets were shot left to right in numerical order. Shoot left target first, then shoot right target second, go back shoot the left target for the third shot and lastly shoot the right target for the fourth shot. I gave shooters 4 minutes to shoot 4 shots. The shooters start the timer when they are ready. Some shooters will be going to the Crosman GP match and 4 minutes is what they give you for 4 shots.
We had three pop-up canopies for shading the shooters. It was good to have to keep shooters out of the blazing sun.
Since it going to be a long day of shooting, I ordered pizza and it was delivered after 12 noon for lunch. After shooting approximately 10 lanes – 40 shots, the pizzas arrived. We stopped shooting and ate lunch under the shade.
Jerry La Rocca drove all the way from upstate NY (4 1/2-hour drive) to shoot our match. He shot the first half of the match with his LGU and then switch to his TX200 for the second half after the lunch break.
Ray Apelles shot match high (69/80) with his Custom D54 bullpup - Very fine shooting Ray.
Thank you very, very much to all who helped setup, attended and also to those who helped take down the course.
Next match: 2018 July 7th Saturday (Hosting Cape Cod Air Gun Club – John Eroh)
Leo Gonzales
CT Air Gunners
Link to photos, course planner and match report below.!Ausj-Y-SAaOxipJ1C-_r04SvwWA7oA