BAGA Field Target Match May 19th 2018 in Bristol, WI.
Hello Everyone!
It is time for our first match of the year again and we would like to invite you all out to join us for some fun back in the woods at BAGA!!!
This is going to be our official AAFTA match, so it is going to be the easiest course of the year. If you want to come out and have some fun, this is the match to do so.
I am setting up 12 lanes for 48 shots.
There will be dedicated Offhand and kneeling lanes so be ready for those.
Gates will open at 9am
Practice line will go hot ASAP
Match will start at 10:30am
After the match we will have lunch hosted by Ron and Bill. Joining in lunch is just $5.00 min donation to Ron and Bill for chefin up a feast for us.
Range fees:
Non-CCKC member: $10.00
CCKC members: $5.00
Match fee: $5.00
Optional lunch: $5.00 min donation to Ron and Bill for cooking.
We will have award certificates for 1st – 3rd place for all divisions that have at least 3 participants. Supported divisions are as follows:
BAGA Freestyle
Please let me know if you have any questions.
If you are planning on attending, please let me know so we can get enough food for everyone that shows up.
Looking forward to seeing you all on the range!
BAGA May 2018 Field Target Match Report
Hello Everyone,
We hosted our first Field Target match of the year this past Saturday, and it was AWESOME!!!!! We had 17 people show up to compete in 5 different divisions. We had people representing Open, WFTF, PCP Hunter, Springer Hunter and BAGA Freestyle and we gave out award certificates to all divisions. We had age ranges from 14-80 in the competition and that is just awesome to see that spread.
We set out 12 lanes with 2 targets per lane.
We took 2 shots per target for a total of 48 shots.
There was forced positions for both offhand and kneeling for 8 total shots. Difficulty of the course was 34T.
The weather was great! It turned out to be in the mid to upper 60’s all day long with a nice breeze. We had no bugs, no rain, and lots of fun!
When it was all said and done, we had a 3-way tie for 1st place in Open so we set up a shoot off lane in lane 1 because it is nice and open to wind. I set up a ½” target around 40 yards and had each shooter take 2 shots.
The 3 shooters in the shoot off were Jessica Wenzel, Bill Howarth, and Vlad Berchanskiy. Bill and Vlad both knocked down 1, so Jessica took 3rd place. Both Vlad and Bill took 1 more shot and Vlad ended up knocking down his target to win the Open division. The most impressive thing about Vlad winning is 2 fold….This is a rifle he bought for his son, Mark and they just mounted the scope last weekend and this is the first time they were able to take shots at real targets, outside…Then halfway through the match, they dropped the rifle on the barrel and for the rest of the match, while clicking, they had to hold over cuz their numbers were way off. Vlad still managed to win the shoot off and take 1st place even with all of those outstanding variables!!! Great job Vlad!!!!
In the WFTF division, Greg Sauve marched on to a strong overall top score and WFTF 1st place with a 47/48. I shot with Greg today and he only missed a single offhand target all day long. It was a 31 yard, 2” offhand target that he missed. It was his 4th offhand shot of the lane and the wind picked up as he broke the trigger causing him to ping the rim of the kz at 3 o’clock. That is pretty dang awesome to only drop a single shot in a match though!!!!
In Hunter, Phil Eakley was able to overcome his recent medical issues to post a strong 44/48 to take 1st place in the Hunter division. Very close behind Phil, was Bob Berschneider with a strong 43/48.
In the Springer Hunter division, Jeremy Zorns was able to post a nice 33/48 for 1st place. Jeremy brought a friend with him and let him use his TX200 for his first match. Oleg Imanilov posted a score of 16/48 for his first ever match using a borrowed TX200. Great job to both Jeremy and Oleg!!!
In BAGA Freestyle, Harold Schmidt was able to put up a strong 37/48 for 1st place. Don Walker was able to knip on his heals with 34/48 to make the BAGA Freestyle score board close.
Scores and gear list
Greg Sauve…….Thomas carbine….March X 8-80…JSB 8.44….47/48
Brian Vandenboom….Steyr LG110….Sightron SIII 10-50….AA 8.44….43/48
Ken Pike….AA EV2….Sightron SIII 10-50….JSB 8.44….38/48
Top 3 placed decided by shoot off
Vlad Berchanskiy….ZM P70 Jr……BSA 10-50….CPH 10.5….44/48
Bill Howarth….Thomas….March X 8-80….JSB 13.4….44/48
Jessica Wenzel….Steyr LG100AZ….BSA 10-50….JSB 10.3….44/48
Alex Modic…Steyr LG100ZM….BSA 10-50….JSB 10.3….43/48
Brandon Carroll….Steyr LG100ZM….BSA 10-50….JSB 10.3….43/48
Ron Weber….Stery LG100AZ….BSA 10-50….JSB 10.3….40/48
Bill Kushner….Steyr LG 100AZ….BSA 10-50….CPH 10.5….38/48
Mark Merchanskiy(14 yr old, 1st match ever)…. ZM P70 Jr……BSA 10-50….CPH 10.5….26/48
Hunter PCP
Phil Eakley….TM1000….Hawke 10-50….JSB 13.4….44/48
Bob Berschneider….Brocock Bantom….Aztec 16x….H&N 10.6….43/48
Hunter Springer
Jeremy Zorns….TX200….Hawke 16x…AA 8.44….33/48
Oleg Imanilov(1st match ever, borrowed rig)….TX200….Hawke 16x….AA 8.11….16/48
BAGA Freestyle
Harold Schmidt….TM 1000….Sightron SIII 10-50….JSB 13.4….37/48
Don Walker….Steyr LG110….Hawke 10-50….JSB 10.3….34/48
Thanks to everyone that helped set up the course and everyone that showed up to enjoy a day back in the woods at BAGA!!!!