State championship info just posted on website
2020 Arizona State Field Target Championship
September 19, 2020 – Perry Lake Pit, Mormon Lake, AZ
Location: At milepost 325.5 on Lake Mary Rd – 20 miles south of Flagstaff, or 9/10 mile north of the upper access road to Mormon Lake. The range is on the east side of the road on National Forest property. Access through closed gate (It will be marked), follow the gravel lane approximately 50 yards, and then bear right to the site. Primitive camping is available for motor home, travel trailer or tent. No electric hookups or water is available on site. A portable-restroom will be available.
Lodging is available at various motels in Flagstaff, approximately 20 miles north of the shooting venue, or at Mormon Lake Lodge, located about 8 miles south of the shooting venue ( Check Google Maps for area specifics and location.
Rifle Match will consist of 60 shots on Saturday. (32 shots/one-hour mandatory break/28 shots) Sight in 8:00 am. Match start time 9:30 am following 9:15 am shooters meeting.
Match fee $40.00 payable on day of match. Please email by September 12 if you plan to attend.
Due to Covid-19 protocols, we will not be providing lunch. Please bring your own snacks and plenty of water, along with face mask and hand sanitizer. Social distancing will be practiced.
Match Awards will be presented as soon after the match as possible. Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd in each class. Additional awards as needed based on number of shooters responding via email cutoff date. A state champion medal (AZ resident) will be awarded for each class. High Lady, High junior, High Senior (65+), and High out-of-state will also be awarded.
For more information refer to club website; and/or use the “Contact Us” page with specific questions.
We regret that this year’s State Championship is only a one-day competition, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we need to follow AZ state, county, and CDC protocols to minimize the overall exposure that each shooter would have with one another. We prefer to err on the side of caution when considering this event, and with the individual competitor’s safety in mind. Thank you for your understanding.
The Arizona State Championship report is now posted on Airgunners of Arizona website;
It was fun. It was enjoyable. It was challenging. 29 shooters got together to share in the joy of airgun shooting. We kept our distance, we did what we had to do, but we SHARED in the common love of shooting and we had fun doing it.
Yeah, it wasn't a three day shoot, but we enjoyed what we were given. You are going to have to join us sometime, when you get the opportunity. You would love it!