The monthly match results are posted on the club website;
Thanks Danny. Yeah, they just kept showing up a few minutes apart from each other. Sandy was concerned that she was going to run out of food!
With 10 lanes, it took a bit longer to shoot the course, but it still made for a lot of fun. And Aubrey was a hoot to watch interact with Paddy. She is a typical little tomboy and with her missing her front teeth, it just makes her look a bit more mischievous.
Bill, we were happy for the turnout. It seems to be growing on a regular basis with new folks showing each month. Not sure if is the club website, the forum(s), and/or the membership spreading the word, but folks are learning and having fun shooting.
The freestyle shooters are also powder burner tactical shooters. they use the same techniques when shooting any of their guns. They are not interested too much in adapting to one of the AAFTA classes, but just shoot for the sake of shooting......and trying to beat each other. I can only imagine what their big bore matches are like. they like shooting like this, so why not?
Joe the plumber is one of our regular guys, and I could not pass up taking that picture, especially with "Let's Do This" prominently displayed. that was tailor made for match report material.