2020 October 4 Sunday
Rifle Match – 60 shots – 30 targets – 10 lanes. Average distance approximately 39 yards. Two shots per target – 6 shots per lane. 6 min time limit.
The following AAFTA classes and rules will be used:
PCP – Combined Open-Unlimited*, Hunter, WFTF
Spring Piston – Combined WFTF-Open-Unlimited*, Hunter
*Unlimited Class (attached bipods, tripods, range finders are allowed)
Awards: 1st place medal and Dragon face plate, 2nd place medal for each class, 3rd place only for PCP Hunter class only
Start anytime from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM. Practice range and course is open. Two persons per lane and will record each other's score.
Entry fee: $20 Adults, $10 Juniors or CAG members. Exact change or PayPal (gonzav71@gmail.com)
Must sign a waiver/release of liability form. Eye protection is required. Use face Covering if you cannot do 6 feet separation. Hand sanitizer will be available.
Highly recommend bringing your own folding chair. PCP shooters – please bring your own air supply.
Location: Private property, 1001 Trumbull Hwy, Lebanon, CT 06249
Contact: Leo Gonzales
e-mail: gonzav71@gmail.com
Connecticut Air Gunners Match Report – 2020 October 4
Location: 1001 Trumbull Hwy, Lebanon, CT 06249
Match Site: Sloped, open field with trees bordering on North and East sides.
Temperature: 65 degrees Fahrenheit – Sunny, light wind
Wind: none at early morning, 3 MPH later towards the end
Number of Targets: 30 (60 points maximum)
Average Distance: 39.8 yards (15 targets over 40 yards)
Average Kill Zone: 1.49” (Mix of 15mm, 25mm, 1 ½” & 40mm kill zones)
Course Difficulty: 38.57T with Wind (31.67T)
Match Times: 9:00 AM–12:30 PM, Lunch & Awards 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM Course Takedown 1:00 PM-1:30 PM
Results/Attendees: 16 shooters total
54/60 Brian Van Liew – FX400 FT – AA 10.3 grains – Nikko Diamond 10-50x60 (standing – 3 pts)
54/60 Chas Di Capua – RAW TM1000 – JSB 10.34 grains – Sightron 10-50x60 (standing – 2 pts)
56/60 Paul Cray – Thomas – JSB 8.4 grains – March 8-80x56
48/60 Tom Holland – RAW TM1000 – H&N FTT 8.64 grains – Kahles 10-50x60
DNF (back problems) John Eroh – Thomas – AA 8.4 grains – Sightron 10-50x60
Piston WFTF
50/60 Matt Brackett – Air Arms TX 200 – AA 8.4 grains – Falcon 10-50x60
45/60 Matt Sawyer – Weihrauch HW97K – JSB 8.44 grains – March 5-40x56
(DNC) 52/60 Leo Gonzales – Air Arms TX200HC – JSB 8.44 grains – Falcon 10-50x60
PCP Hunter
51/60 Bill Day – Thomas – Sightron 10-50x60
42/60 Vasyl Povroznyk – RAW TM1000 – AA 10.3 grains – Aztec Emerald 5.5-25x50
41/60 Tom Wade – Air Arms S500 – JSB 10.3 grains – Hawke Air Max
36/60 Brian Pepin – Air Arms S500 – AA 10.3 grains – Hawke Sidewinder FFP 4-16x50
31/60 Alan Egolf – Air Arms S510 – JSB Express 14.3 grains – UTG 6-24x50
Piston Hunter
37/60 Ron Dumond – Air Arms TX200 - AA 8.4 grains - SWFA SS 16X
3/60 (22 faceplates) Mike Dumond – Weihrauch HW50 – UTG 4-16x SWAT
PCP Unlimited
44/60 Bartek Dziedzic – Steyr LG110 – Crosman Premier Heavy 10.5 grains - Night Force MX8
This was our CT State match of 2020. COVID-19 guidelines are still in effect. People had worn face masks and kept 6 feet separation. Hand sanitizer was available for people to use.
John Eroh donated 3 fixed blade knives as second place prizes for Hunter PCP, WFTF PCP and for 1st unlimited. 1st place received a silver dragon face plate and medal.
Match day was sunny warm with no wind when we first started. As the day went on, we got a lot of boiling mirage which made range finding very difficult and some light wind towards the end of the match.
Paul Cray shot the match high 56. John had severe back aches after shooting the standing lane and decided not to continue shooting but kept score for Paul.
For open class, Chas D. and Brian V. tied but the positional lanes were the tie breaker. Brian had scored 1 point better on the standing lane.
After the match, pizza was served for lunch and then the awards were handed out.
I thank Ron for lending his property for the match and all of the shooters who attended and helped clean up afterwards.
Hope to see all of you next year.
Another big thank you to Bill Day who donated two Benjamin Discovery air rifles to CAGC. We will use these as loaner rifles for anyone who wants to try out field target.
One Drive Link to Photos, Match Report and Course Planner
Leo Gonzales
CT Air Gunners
Thanks again to you and Ron for having matches this season. This had to be the most wicked mirage I’ve seen this time around. Made you really work for it.
Leo, Very well match setup for your state match and high praise to the owner of the property for sharing it with us. Hope things will be back to near normal next year. As I mentioned to some shooters yesterday the mirage really helped me playing the wind which was mild for sure most of the day but there was enough to effect where you needed to aim at times. For many years I thought mirage was looking for the Oasis ?. I encourage all shooters to study up on it to understand what to look for. It realistically worked for me at your match yesterday. Maybe the weather conditions yesterday were just right. (Sun waves bearing down on a cool surface) but I have always had problems seeing mirage and certainly understanding it.
Nice to see a good attendance and everyone taking the CV serious. Stay safe, Bill
Excellent report Leo, as usual. Great shooting by all. sounds like I need to read up on “mirage shooting”. Lol. Not much mirage in Florida.
Venice, FL