Match Date: 2020 August 1, Saturday
Rifle Match - 48 shots - 24 targets – 8 lanes. Two shots per target – 6 shots per lane. 6 min time limit. One shooter per lane and will score themselves.
Course difficulty: Easy. Average distance is 27 yards with all full sized kill zones. Break barrel friendly. Only 5 targets over 40 yards. Possible perfect score for veteran shooters.
The following AAFTA classes and rules will be used:
PCP – Combined Hunter-Unlimited*, Open, WFTF
Piston – Combined WFTF-Open-Unlimited*, Hunter
*Unlimited Class (attached bipods, tripods, range finders are allowed)
Start anytime from 10:00 AM until 12:00 Noon. Practice range and course will be open.
Entry fee: $15 Adults, $10 Juniors or RFG members
Must sign a waiver/release of liability form. Eye protection is required. Use face coverings when 6 feet separation is not possible. Hand sanitizer will be available.
Highly recommend bringing your own folding chair. PCP shooters should bring their own air supply. Those who use rifle carriers must cover the entire rifle or just use a rifle case instead.
Location: Police Range, Rockville Fish & Game Club, Fish & Game Rd, Vernon, CT 06066 (I-84, Exit 67, Route 31-Mile Hill Rd) Use second gate on left not club house gate.
GPS Coordinates: 41.842105, -72.421880
Contact: Bruce Samborski or Bernie Ducat
e-mail: or
Notice: This is the first air gun field target match for Rockville Fish & Game club. They are testing the waters to see if air gun field target is popular enough to warrant a regular event at the club.
Commendable effort to expand FT. While many places struggle to integrate non-essential activities among covid19 challenges, this a hopeful sign. No doubt some of the likely shooters may hesitate attending depending on viral status...including me. Really hoping to be there but who knows.
Rockville Fish & Game Club Field Target Match Report – 2020 August 1
Location: Fish & Game Rd, Vernon, CT
Match Site: Open field, Sloping berms on three sides
Temperature: 90 degrees Fahrenheit – Sunny and windy
Wind: 5 MPH, switching directions
Number of Targets: 27 (54 points maximum)
Average Distance: 27.11 yards (6 targets over 40 yards)
Average Kill Zone: 1.56” (Mix of 1 ½” & 40mm kill zones)
Course Difficulty: 24.2T with Wind (19.9T - Rated Easy)
Match Times: 9:00 AM–12:30 PM, Course Takedown 12:30 PM-1:00 PM
Results/Attendees: (19 people attended - 16 shooters total)
53/54 Brian Van Liew – FX 400 FT – AA 10.3 grains – Nikko Diamond 10-50x60 (1st rifle)
45/54 Brian Van Liew – FWB P70 – HN 8.5 grains FTT (2nd rifle)
51/54 Paul Cray – Thomas – JSB 8.4 grains – March 8-80x56
48/54 John Eroh – Thomas – AA 8.4 grains – Sightron 10-50x60
46/54 Tom Holland – Thomas – JSB 8.4 grains – Kahles 10-50x60
42/54 Vasyl Povroznyk – Crosman 1720T – AA 8.4 grains – Nikko Stirling Target Master 10-50x60
Piston WFTF
50/54 Matt Sawyer – Weihrauch HW97K – JSB 8.44 grains – March 5-40x56
44/54 Matt Brackett – FWB 300S – AA 8.4 grains – Falcon 5-30x56
44/54 Leo Gonzales – Air Arms TX200HC – QYS 8.48 grains – Falcon 10-50x60
PCP Hunter
41/54 Tom Wade – Air Arms S500 – JSB 10.3 grains – Hawke AirMax 8-32x
39/54 Brian Pepin – Air Arms S500 – AA 10.3 grains – Hawke Sidewinder FFP 4-16x50
37/54 Alan Egolf – Air Arms S510 – JSB Express 14.3 grains – UTG 6-24x50
Piston Hunter
34/54 Ron Dumond – Air Arms TX200 - AA 8.4 grains - SWFA SS 16x42
23/54 Sandy Pepin – Weihrauch HW50 – 8.4 grains – 4x16x50 scope
12/54 Chris Vann – Beeman Falcon – Field Line 8.3 grains – Umarex 3-9x40 Mil-Dot
10/54 Edward Filteau – Gamo break barrel .177 - 3-9x40 scope
Shot for fun – Bernie Ducat
A very big thank you for those who attended Rockville’s very first airgun field target match. We had 19 people attend the match. We at RFG were glad to see shooters coming from CT, NY, Long Island and MA. For COVID-19 compliance, people wore masks when 6 feet separation was not possible. We had vinyl gloves on hand and lots of hand sanitizer was available. To keep people hydrated, bottled water was available. We also had three pop up tents providing some shade from the sun.
For this clear sunny day, the wind changed directions and swirled in the open field police range.
An easy rated difficulty course was arranged for this very first field target match with all full-sized kill zones.
We had limited practice area allowing only three people at one time to sight in their rifles. The rest of the area was taken up by the 9 lanes for the match. After sighting in, three people at a time went to shoot the open lanes. We had the typical one standing and one kneeling lane.
One person almost cleaned the course but missed by one point. 53 out of 54. Very nice shooting Brian! Paul Cray with 51 points and Matt Sawyer with 50 points rounded out the top scorers for the day.
We had some novice shooters who brought out their break barrel air rifles as well to try out their first field target match.
We have several cold lines mostly because the plastic clamps were not strong enough to hold the targets to the wood bases. Adding one more clamp to each target solved that problem.
When the last person handed their score card in, it took several minutes to clean up the police range with the help of several people.
Next FT match: 2020 September 27 Sunday at Rockville Fish & Game (Vernon, CT)
Leo Gonzales – FT course planner
Rockville Fish & Game