CT State Match Date: October 21st, Sunday
Rifle Match - 60 shot - 30 target – 10 lanes. Average distance approximately +35 yards. Two shots per target – 6 shots per lane. 6 min time limit.
Pistol Match – 40 shots - 20 target – 10 lanes. 10-25 yards. Two shots per target. 4 shots per lane. 4 min time limit. All standing offhand shots. All 1 ½" KZ.
The following AAFTA classes and rules will be used:
PCP – Combined Hunter-Unlimited*, Open, WFTF
Piston – Combined WFTF-Open-Unlimited*, Hunter
*Unlimited Class (attached bipods, tripods, range finders are allowed)
Pistol – Combined Hands, Limited & Hunter
9:00 AM Sign Up/Open Practice
10:00 AM Shooter's Meeting/Match start
Entry fee: $20 Adults, $10 Juniors or CAG members
Must sign a waiver/release of liability form. Eye protection is required.
Medals for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places (5 or more people), custom face plate for 1st place.
Loaner air rifle available (Crosman Custom Shop Marauder - Mueller 8-32x44 scope for Hunter (sticks included) or Open Class PCP)
Drinks and pizza will be served after rifle match. Pistol match will start after lunch.
Highly recommend bringing your own folding chair and wearing waterproof boots
4500 psi 75 cu. ft. air tank will be available for PCP shooters.
Location: Private property of Ron Dumond.
1001 Trumbull Hwy, Lebanon, CT 06249
Contact: Leo Gonzales
e-mail: gonzav71@gmail.com
cell: (203) 988-4261
Alternate Contact: John Eroh - cell: (774) 521-8369
Connecticut Air Gunners CT State Match Report – 2018 October 21
Location: 1001 Trumbull Hwy, Lebanon, CT 06249
Match Site: Wide, slighty sloping open field with trees on the North and East sides.
Temperature: 45 degrees Fahrenheit – Rain then clearing to a partially cloudy day.
Wind: 10-15 MPH
Number of Targets: 30 (60 points maximum)
Average Distance: 35.8 yards (13 targets over 40 yards)
Average Kill Zone: 1.46” (Mix of 1, 1 ½” & 40mm kill zones)
Course Difficulty: 33.1T with Wind (27.05T)
Match Times: Practice 9:00–10:05 AM, Match 10:15 AM-1:00 PM, Course Takedown 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Results/Attendees: (14 shooters total)
(1) 52/60 Nathan Thomas – FWB 800 Basic FT – Bushnell 8-32x40 – AA 8.4 grains
(2) 44/60 Mike Harris – Steyr LG100 AZ – Sightron 10-50x60 – AA 8.4 grains
(3) 43/60 John Eroh – FWB 800 Basic FT – Sightron 10-50x60 – AA 8.4 grains – 780 fps – 11.35 FPE
37/60 Vasyl Povroznyk – Air Arms FTP 900 – AA 8.4 grains – Leupold 35x45 Competition – 780 fps – 11.35 FPE
PCP Open
(1) 54/60 Chas DiCapua – RAW TM1000 – JSB 10.34 grains - Sightron 10-50x60
(2) 43/60 Brian Van Liew – FX 400 FT – Nikko Diamond 10-50x60 – AA 10.34 grains – 880 fps – 17.8 FPE
Piston WFTF
(1) 40/60 Ray Apelles – Custom Diana 54 bullpup – March FX 5-40x – AA 8.4 grains – 720 fps – 9.7 FPE
(2) 36/60 Matt Sawyer – HW97K – AA 8.4 grains – Nikko Diamond 10-50x60 – 787 fps – 11.6 FPE
(3) 28/60 Tom Holland – Walther LGU – JSB 4.53mm 8.44 grains – Sightron 10-50x60 – 798 fps – 11.9 FPE
(DNC) 52/60 Leo Gonzales – Walther LGU – JSB 4.53mm 8.44 grains – Sightron 10-50x60 – 798 fps – 11.9 FPE
Piston Hunter
(1) 36/60 Ron Dumond – Air Arms TX200 - AA 8.4 grains – SWFA 16x42
(2) 3/60 Mike Dumond – Umarex Forge
(1) 24/60 Hans Apelles – Crosman 1720T – AADF 8.4 grains – 760 fps – 10.77 FPE - Mueller 8-32x44
(2) 19/60 Rosalie Paulsen - Crosman 1720T – AADF 8.4 grains – 760 fps – 10.77 FPE – Mueller 8-32x44
Offhand Pistol
(1) 13/40 - Artemis PP700S-A – UTG 1x red dot
(2) 9/40 - Crosman 1720T – 2x pistol scope
(3) 3/40 Mike Dumond –Crosman 1720T – 2x scope
(DNC) 17/40 Leo Gonzales – Air Arms Alfa Proj – Millet SP-1 red dot – JSB 4.53mm 8.44 grains
I would like to thank Ron Dumond for hosting our final CT State match.
I gave Ron the distances for the match and he laid out the course as he saw fit with 10 lanes. Ron, I and Vasyl set up the course on Saturday morning. Ron had added some Halloween decorations to enhance the day’s event. Pumpkins, skull heads, foam tombstones, corn stalks, mums and even a spider was to be found moving from lane to lane.
It was raining when I drove to Ron’s house. Thankfully, it stopped raining just in time for the practice at 9 am. The forecast for the day was a partially cloudy day with winds up to 15 mph. The weather forecast was spot on. It was a perfect cold fall weather day.
Tom Holland had a leaky TM1000. He accepted my offer to shoot my LGU. We shared shooting my rifle for the match.
There was plenty of wind indicators. Leaves were falling from the trees. You hear the leaves rustling behind you. The blades of grass were swaying. The surveyor's flags were flapping.
Lane 1 located on the north side of the property next to a stone wall and a row of trees was sheltered a little by the wind. The rest of the lanes had full exposure to the wind. I shot and got the short and middle targets by holding on the left or right side or edge the kill zones. I shot the far targets by holding off a few inches away from the kill zone.
I am happy to report there were no cold lines during the match. Before the start of the match, I had one target that failed with the use of the target tester. I was able to fixed it before the match started. The match went smoothly with seven two-man squads occupying seven of the ten lanes.
We ordered some pizzas for lunch. Most of us finished the rifle match by 12:45 pm. The pizzas arrived in time at 1 pm. After having everyone get their fill with food, I was able to quickly tally the scores and proceed with the rifle match awards. Congratulations to the first-place finishers who also got a custom face plate (bull silhouette).
After the rifle match awards, we then proceeded to setup the off-hand pistol course. I would like to thank the people who helped out quickly set up the pistol course. Shooting the pistol course did not take that long when you are shooting off-hand. Within half an hour we were done with 40 shots each.
Congratulations to John who received a custom prairie dog face plate for his efforts.
For all the people who attended our last outdoor match, a big thank you to all of you. I was happy that everything went smoothly despite the rain at start of the day.
Next match: Possible indoor standing and kneeling match (20 yards max) at Center Sports of Columbia in December.
Best Regards,
Leo Gonzales
CT Air Gunners
Link to photos, course planner and match report below.
Thanks for the excellent report and photos, Leo. I was really sorry to miss the shoot - especially seeing the new location! I had family matters keeping me home. Thanks as always for keeping FT alive in CT and SE New England. Let me know if you or John are having any practice sessions anywhere this winter!
No problems. I understand things happen especially with family. I will definitely keep you in the loop. We are planning on doing an indoor positional match sometime in December. Stay tuned.
I hope to join you in England next year. I sent Greg Sauve my entrée fee. I will tailor our matches to train ourselves for the Worlds next year.