The rule states that the muzzle must be over the line and the trigger behind the line.
- I had the same issue with an Athlon scope. It only focused down to 12 yds. So if the target appeared a little fuzzy I shot it at my 11 yd click value. If it was really fuzzy I shot it at the 10 yd value.
My understanding would be NO .... your muzzle needs to be over the lanes end pins or prescribed line.
Tho i personally have scooted back when the supposed 10 yard target was LESS THAN 10 to make it so. Different situation tho.
We had this very problem at our recent state match. Target was set only 8 yards from the lane markers. Danged if you do and danged if you don't in this scenario. Illegally placed target but moving back is illegal too. I quickly weighed the options and moved back 1 yard and consulted Strelok (luckily had my phone with me as I don't even have any actual numbers for 9 yards and prefer to use a dope sheet with verified #s in my scope cap). I knocked it down twice but others voiced concerns about the legality of me scooting back. Seriously a danged if you do danged if you dont scenario. It was measured with a tape afterwards and was something like 23.3 feet away-so not even 8 yards. Luckily the match director threw that target out but the whole deal left a bad taste in my mouth.
I would use another scope. It's really nice to be able to range 10, 10-1/2 and 11 yards for when they stick the little targets right there.
I agree with Ray. Life is too short. Pun intended. Get a new scope. You don’t have to miss by much on a 10yd 3/8” KZ to get a goose egg.
Venice, FL
The muzzle of my TM1000 is 23" from the adjustment turrets of the scope. And it's a carbine barrel. The standard TM barrel is probably 27-28" from the scope turrets. I calibrate my range wheel from target face back to scope turrets, or slightly in front.
The target at the Phoenix Nats referenced by some was at (around) 9-1/2 yards. My scope measures down to 10 yds well, but quickly goes fuzzy at anything less. So I immediately knew the target was under legal range. To deal with the situation, I simply backed up till I got a good focus... and the muzzle was still over the shooting line.
I dropped the target twice, then added "Ps" to each score. There's no excuse for any target being outside match parameters, especially at an official AAFTA GP match, and especially at the short end where it's so obvious to tell by almost all shooters. The target was later awarded to all.
Not to focus on one particular match, at the Michigan Pistol National Match, there was a far target placed at 43yds (max allowed is 35). This was beyond obvious, also awarded to all.
BTW, at Dallas Matches, we never place targets right at 10yds, or 55yds... always somewhere between, to avoid the problem.