The Phoenix Invitational ®2018
The 2018 Phoenix Regional Invitational this year will be on March 15th ( Thursday), 16th (Friday), 17th (Saturday) and 18th (Sunday). Some changes to this year’s match should be to everyone’s liking. The daily format will be as follows:
March 15th, Thursday:
8:00am to 12:00pm Sign-in and Sight-in and practice for all registered shooters.
12:00 Silhouette
March 16th, Friday:
from 7:00am to 5:00pm
8:30 am Benchrest 75 yd
11:00 am Benchrest 100yd
Practice afterward
March 17th, Saturday:
from 7:00am to 8:00am ( Last sign-in )
8:30 am Benchrest 25 meter: OPEN or UNLIMITED class ONLY
12:00 Lunch:
1:00 pm Benchrest 50 yd: OPEN / UNLIMITED / Spring,
March 18th, Sunday:
8:30am Benchrest 25 meter HEAVY VARMINT, Light Varmint, and Spring (simultaneously)
After Match: Awards!
Scores with shot reports may be viewed when available after completion of 25m and 50yd matches each day. Protest may be contested free with scoring officials before final scores are published and awards presented.All Awards will be presented on Sunday.
Here is a link to the club web site for more info and registration