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Open Grove, CA outdoor 25 meter results 12/9/18

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It was one of those really nice ~warm winter days here in Oxnard. Lite winds and mostly consistent but those little wind devils that make it a challenge. Matt & Kim both shot 250 cards today!

1st Match; As usual Vipha beat most of the boys with her Light Varmint scores – she’s tuff to beat. Kim took HV with his 250 card. Lou and Eugene took care of Open & Springer respectively.

2nd Match: Kim took HV by 5 points and Doug & Vipha tied for 2nd but his 4 extra X’s put him ahead of her this day. Matt shot his 250 on his 2nd card. Lou & Eugene had an easy go of Open & Springer.

Thank you Vipha for providing the nutritious goodies; Kim the bagels & Dennis the donuts!

Thank you again Tim McMurray from MAC-1 for making the long drive, providing high quality air and scoring the targets.

As always thank you Joe F. for providing the excellent range, expert scoring, and friendship!

FDC6F192 7D4C 418A BFD2 DEA7B974D0B0


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