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June 25, 2020 14:46:02
We will again be having 25 Meter USARB sanctioned matches July 4th. We open the gates at 8am, we start shooting at 10am, and we ask that all competitors arrive before 930 to get registered, bench draw, flags set up, etc. Our matches are the 1st Saturday each month, July 4, Aug 1, Sept 5, Oct 3. See you there.
Paul Becigneul, John Ayers, Chris Martin
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July 6, 2020 01:26:42
Enclosed is a PDF file of the match results, we had 13 shooters and we had a good time, wind was tricky at times and the morning sun was treacherous. Jim Militello shot his first outdoor air rifle match. Congrats to the winners, Joe Chapman again showed us how it's done. The Next Scheduled match is August 1, 2020.