Heflin Alabama Benchrest 9.12.20 Results.
Well, we have another one in the books. I really can't describe how much fun this bench rest thing is and everyone that comes out seems to agree. If you want to tune up your wind calling game, this is the place to be. I'm looking forward to playing the other bench rest games in the future.
So we had three classes represented: Spring Gun, Heavy Varmint and Light Vermint.
Spring Gun
Chase Jones 656/750
Todd Berry 514/750
Heavy Varmint
Loren Hansen 670/750
Light Varmint
Paul Oswalt 728/750
Gabe Sallusti 666/750
Sorry about the lack of x-counts. I had to take a trip out of town and was in a hurry to leave.
It was great to have two new shooters out with us, Chase Jones and Todd Berry. I hope you guys enjoyed yourselves.
Thanks to everyone who came out. We missed all that couldn't attend but remember, if you're not feeling well, please err on the side of caution and stay home.
I'll be posting an updated match schedule. We are moving from 12 matches a year to 18. Exciting!!
See you next time.