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Bench Rest Match 12.5.20 Heflin, AL (Results)

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 107
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Hi all, 

Time for another shoot.  The plan is to increase the number of shooting opportunities.  

As usual, we will have 25m bench rest.  We can also run 50 yard bench rest as interest dictates.  Also, we plan on having some Field Target set up across the road for anyone who wants to shoot.  Anyone who would like to come early and help rearrange some targets is more than welcome.  

Shooter's meeting is at 0900.  Please bring an extra rifle if you have something set up and ready to go.  We've been having some visitors and would like to encourage all to participate.  

See you there!


Directions to the Match


WOW!!  Today was a challenge to say the least.  Probably the most wind we have shot in to date.  But the cards show that everyone started to adjust for the wind and compensated well.  The wind was forecast to be from the Southwest 5-7 plus gusts.  The velocity was correct but it seemed to be predominantly from the Northwest, switching to the West.  Regardless, it was tough.  

Here's how it ended up.  
Heavy Varmint
B. Ellis         USFT,      Falcon 10-50, JSB ?,           685 6x. 
L. Hanson   AA 500,    Athlon ?, AA 10.5                 582 4x
Light Varmint
P. Oswalt      HM1000, Bushnell 5-15 MD                680 6x
J. Johnson   AR20  Athlon 16x,  ?  8.4                     642 6x
S. Burkett    CZ200,    Hawke 3-12  AA 10.34          584 6x
Spring Gun
D. Ward       HW30, UTG 3-12, Barracuda Match   638  6x
R. Bradley   RWS 75, Bushnell 2-7, JSB 7.9           615  3x
M. Loar       TX200   Hawke 2.5-10  AA 7.87           589  1x
Congrats to Bill Ellis our high shooter.  Those were hard earned points.  
A special thanks to Daniel Ward.  He came back up to shoot with us today and not only did a great job with a 6 fpe HW30 but also brought his slingshot collection to us to try out.  Needless to say, I'm getting a slingshot.  And we will be organizing a match for these hand held lead slingers.  So much fun!  I shot till my shoulders were aching.  
Next match is scheduled for December 26th.  I will not be available but that shouldn't stop a match.  As always it will be weather permitting.  I'll send out a notice a few days before.  
Merry Christmas to everyone.  I wish you and your families the best during the holidays.  


Airgun Warriors