Bench Rest Match. Shooter's meeting at 0800 and we'll start shortly thereafter. Range opens a daylight so feel free to come early and get in a warm up.
Hey all,
So we finished out another one today. Once again the wind tells the tale. It was great to have a new shooter with us today Jim Anthon.
Congratulations to Bill Ellis who had today's high score.
Heavy Varmint (177, .20, .22. 20fpe max power, 15 lbs max rifle weight).
Bill Ellis: 716/750 (11x)
Loren Hanson: 633/750 (6x)
Jim Anthon: 589/750 (2x)
Light Varmint (177, .20, .22 12fpe max power 10.5 lbs max rifle weight).
Paul Oswalt: 713/750 (16x)
Michael Loar 656/750 (5x)
Johnny Johnson 410/500 (2x) (Finished two cards).
Great shooting guys! Don't forget our next shoot on Oct 24. Here are the match dates through February 2021.
Oct 24, Nov 14, Dec 5, Dec 26, Jan 16, Feb 6, Feb 27.
See you then!