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Who has the new Marauder Semi Auto and what are your thoughts?

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Much appreciated!



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I just got one three weeks ago. I really like this one. I get 50 shots per fill and the accuracy is good if I do my part. I haven't had any problems after about 900 shots. I've only taken two starlings with it one at 40 yrds and one 76 yrds. My only complaint is the clip empty's to fast. The trigger takes some getting used to but its ten times better than the one on the  barrage that I had.

DaBick reacted
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I was beginning to wonder if there are issues with this one.


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I have one and I like it a lot. I’m not a hunter, mostly paper or steel targets at ranges from 15 to 50 yards. The gun is accurate at all of those. I don’t love the trigger, since it is essentially a long single stage, but I don’t hate it either. It’s OK and I haven’t played with or adjusted it yet. I LOVE the semi-auto action. My biggest complaint is that you can’t get any extra mags for it yet, and it is so easy to shoot that I keep having to reload constantly ?

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Thanks for your info Chrisis!

What are the groups looking like?

What is fave pellet, number shots per fill and fps you are seeing? 

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 Been shooting my semi marauder a lot over the last few weeks. From the bench I can get 1/4 inch groups at 40yrds. It likes 15grn jsb and it does good with polymags and crossman ultramags. took it on a dairy shoot two weeks ago and had a blast with it. After 60 plus shots in a very dusty environment not one jam. No problems after 2000 plus shots .

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What kind of power I am only getting about 855 fps with 14.3 pellets.  hammer spring preload maxed out 


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I am expecting Fedex with mine tomorrow. Will let you know. The Hard Air 3-part review was awesome, but those that haven't voiced a opinion please keep posting.

Oct 13, 2020    Update: I was surprised to see Fedex show up on Monday with the package. Although the outer box was penetrated by something the Fedex man assured me that it was doubled boxed and the  contents should be ok. Before I could get it in my door he was headed down the driveway. The Semi was actually in three boxes and very well packed. When I finally got the rifle out of the inner box i checked it our pretty throughly and it looked good to me. I read through the owners manual which didn't seem to detailed on troubleshooting. I filled the rifle to 3000 psi and blew a couple shots off to see how it worked which seemed ok without the mag or pellets in it. I have a good supply of JSB Jumbo RS 13.43 gr .22 pellets that I decide to try in it. So I loaded the magazine per their instructions and inserted the magazine into the breech and closed the T-handle like the challengers used.  I then installed my scope and setup a Target to shoot at. The first couple shots were fairly low so I took a full revolution of the elevation turret counter clockwise to start zeroing in it at 20 yards. I was getting there when about shot number 8 did not fire. The T-handle was all the way closed so I took another shot and the mag didn't rotate. I pulled back the T-handle but the magazine was stuck in the breech. After continued failed efforts to get the mag out I decided to remove the scope so I could get a better grip on the mag. That didn't help so I decide to make sure the safety was on. Then slide a cleaning rod down the barrel to push the pellet back into the magazine. I felt the rod dislodge the pellet back into the magazine or unjam any pellets. Rigged up a way to hold the T-handle in the rear position while I could try to remove the magazine. The T-handle would not stay back on its own because it is under spring tension. I could not get the mag out but it exhibited some movement. I don't know what that forward assist button is all about but pushing it in didn't help remove the magazine. The only thing other that disassembling the breech block was trying to shear the lead that was holding it from sliding out.  So I pulled the cleaning rod out of the barrel and took a 1/2" dowel rod about 6 " long and gently try to tap the side of the magazine to get it out. After a few taps it finally came out with a mangled pellet still in it. I also noticed that the pellet shirt was damaged from the new pellet probe design. The skirts on the JSB RS pellets are pretty thin so I decided to try the Crosman Premier Ultra magnum pellets I had which looked much beefier. Loaded them into the magazine and yes I put the first one in skirt first then turned the mag over and loaded the other 9 head first. Returned the plastic pellet cover back to its start position. I the took a small punch and pushed all 10 out of the magazine to ensure the mag was working alright. Indeed it was but I still encountered the same problem with the pellets jamming over the next two hours. Alas, I called crosman and explained to them my problem. I told the CS rep that I wasn't sure if it was the action or the mag that was causing the problem. So they are sending me a new mag. This morning I tried single loading the premiers and they shot ok single loading BUT the breech oring looked like it may of got chewed up a bit during this wonderful experience. I chronographed the 14.3 grain pellet and it averaged about 800 fps which from the factory specs is about 80 to 100 fps slow. So guess I'm out of action for a while! 

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Crosman, sent me out a new magazine and it is the same as the one that came with it other than it has a oblong slot that is much bigger than the 360 degree hole of the original. The positive 3-part review that Hard Air Magazine put out mentioned that the new mags for the semi and the regular maruader Mags are not compatible. Called Crosman CS and was told they were compatible. So I tried the 10 shot they sent and didn't have any jam ups, but 6 out of the 10 shots didn't leave the barrel on the first shot attempt. So Friday I sent an e-mail to PYA asking if I could return it. I haven't heard back from them yet. 

Update: received a RMA number this am so I guess I'll wait until the bugs get out of them and they shoot the FPS they advertise. 20 to 30 fps is not a big deal but 80 fps on factory setting is.

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Mine is cycling fine with the SAM magazine.  Old style Mrod magazine sometimes misfeeds zero misfeds on my SAM magazine.  I increased tension on original Mrod magazines and the seem to work no misfeeds since that.  You need the new magazine with the heavier springs 

Hammer preload maxed out.  I am disappointed on power level with only 23.5 to 24 FPE with a variety of pellets.  ES and SD is also disappointing compared to a HUMA regulator.  855FPS with 14.3 Gr they claim up to 950 FPS on box. Cannot get near that even with JSB 13.43 gr. 

My hammer preload from factory was 1.5 turns from full in at about 830 FPS 14.3.gr 

My F1 Chrony was old I bought a Caldwell G2 readings were with 10 FPS could be difference of moving each to in front f pellet trap. 

I emailed Midway and Crosman.  If Crosman's new leadership still has customer service focus they will send a prepaid call tag to sort it out,  If not I am sure Midway will for a refund  

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Midway is awesome, even if they know it's Crosman's problem, they'll probably handle it anyway.


I haz a question.

Does the semi auto model fit in the Gen 1 stock?


I have one of those Ukrainian bullpup stocks, purchased without realizing that bolt-pups are... meh... awkward.

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Only if you have wood working skills to move gauge position and trigger groups slot I have a spare gen one I looked at that.  The new stock adjustable why go backward.  I wanna see a picture of the Crosman regulator and plenum size after regulator 

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Thank you for looking into it.

Why? That's a good question.

Haz http://www.marauderairrifle.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=11298

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Just got my new Marauder. Was very excited to get my scope on, and dialed in. Just a note on mags. I ordered 2 extras from Crosman on Tuesday, and got them in Hawaii today. I got my rifle sighted quickly, but I’m having constant problems with the magazines cycling properly. I had to re-activate the bolt numerous times. I’ll try one of my new mags tomorrow. My rifle is dead-on accurate to 50 yards. Can’t wait to solve the feeding issue. 


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Guess I have to wait till the Gen2 version becomes available...

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@critter99 Sorry to hear that you are having problems with your new (sam).I have over 3000 pellets  and slugs through mine with no problems.I have it setup to shoot 14.3 grain crossmans at 900fps.I hate to say it but it sounds like you have a lemon.If it were me I would send it back.

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Thank you Lbeak, for commenting with specific information.

What sort of slugs? Weight? FPS?

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I don't have one of these personally, but I do know some semi-auto pcp magazines sometimes need the cover plate screw loosened slightly so that your able to slide a piece of paper between the case and cover before they can cycle cleanly. If they're really tight it might be causing some of your issues. Just something simple that you might be able to try that isn't destructive. My Artemis M30 needed that tweak on its magazine even as a bolt action since it was ratcheted down way too tight and was jamming up the cycling with almost any type of pellet.

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just dropped it off to UPS on return ticket to Crosman.  Tried new G2 Chrony almost same as my Chrony F1 I needed excuse for new Chronograph *_*...never got more than 860 FPS for even one shot.  I am betting they reset regulator and replace barrel 009 oring.  I tried new barrel oring with no significant improvement.  Original oring had a chuck out of it   Tried CPHP, JSB 14.3 , HN 14.66. Plenum looks to be quite small from diagram they sent me.  Now just to wait 

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@gratewhitehuntr nsa 17.5 no velocity yet didnt have the crony set up. They were devastating on the water mellons at 40 yards. 

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I had the same problem on mine,as bill did on his sent mine back as soon as i got the rma    Was hopeing it was going to work out ,real bummer



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Mine cycled flawlessly with the new SAM magazine. It was low on power so it was sent back to Crosman for adjustment to the regulator most likely.  It arrived there last Friday.  I will keep you all posted 

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Still waiting to hear back from Crosman its been there since end of October

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Please keep us posted. I hope Crosman is able to up the power AND keep a decent shot count. I'm very interested in the gun, but waiting for Crosman to get them back in stock so I can 'hopefully' use the 25% AGNATION discount code. 

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Heard via text from Crosman...COVID like the rest of world has slowed things down.   The rifle they claim has a high of 24.6 FPE and a low of 23.3  in a 60 shot string and this is normal. 


If the rifle hit the advertised 950 FPS with 14.3 CP then it would be a 28.6 FPE rifle.


Bottom line up front its an almost 25 FPE rifle not an almost 29 FPE as specifications list. 


We will see what it does when it finally is sent back from them. I asked if they could adjust the Regulator higher get less shots but more power 

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Thanks for the update.... hopefully, it won't be too much longer before you get the gun back.

I wonder if they mean the 'almost' 25 FPE max is with the hammer spring turned all the way in, or just with it's regular factory setting?


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Hammer spring adjustment was full in when I sent it in. Out of box it was about 1.75 tuns from max setting.  I am not sure of their reading mine were must lower with a Crony F1 and a Caldwell G2.  

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Rifle has been at Crosman since 29 Oct 20 still waiting 


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@critter99 thanks for the update... Like you mentioned previously, COVID has really slowed everything down :(.  

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I am a big Benjamin fan but new ownership and with Ed Shultz gone from engineering past service and quality standards seem to have evaporated.  Stuck with a lemon 


after 5 weeks SAM is back exactly the same even came back with same oring in barrel with chunk out of it and shot string tape that matched mine 23.49 FPE 


LAME ITS A LEMON DONT BUY Advertised at up to 950 delivers 861 avg.



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So, it looks like they kept your gun for over a month and a half, and didn't improve anything. I wonder if they even looked at it? 

This is so sad, and I hope you can return it for a refund. Thank you for giving us a heads-up.

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I put a small piece of tape behind the barrel guard if they opened tube it would be gone, it was not.  The barrel breech o-ring was still the one with chunk out of it.  Only the handwritten FPS note was even close to  acceptable but 2 chronographs I own different brands read low power about 23.5 FPE and the chronograph tape Crosman stuck in box read about 23.5 FPE.  Rifle advertised as up to 950 FPS...so obviously they would use the Crosman cheap standard pellet as development pellet 14.3 Grain = 28.7 FPE.  

If they get the power up this would be a tree rat, iguana killing machine

Needless to say I sent this one toward Midway for a refund.  

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I thought it was awesome. Here is my review video. It was very accurate and tons of fun to shoot. That's all I remember. 

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If they retune it will be  a heck of a nice rifle.  with .22 at 23.5 FPE the trajectory is sorta a rainbow 

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New here but not new to airguns...

Sandy Clause done brung me one of those new fangled Mrod semi autos. 

Only 100 shots, initial thoughts are:

Its heavy clunker.  

Looks well built.

Factory target, 5 shots @ 10 yards ?, Corssman 14.3s, shows zero vertical dispersion with 0.25" horizontal dispersion which equates to no better than 2.5 MOA @ 100 (if it will shoot that far...).

Initial velocity, factory spring setting: 846 FPS (MagnetoSpeed V3 chrono). Single digit ES.  Darn nice, I'd say.

Maxed out spring adjustment.  Got 889 FPS for 3 shots.  All three were 889.  Not as much as anticipated but for the intended use of the rig it could be useful.

First 27 yard, 10 shot group wasn't bad but wasn't great either.  Figured it to be a good start showing promise.

First 100 shots were miserable.  Max attainable velocity.  Max attainable velocity with Crossman Prems is about 820 FPS.  [Flat unacceptable!]

Accuracy is for squat. So bad that shooting holes in snow at 50 yards says a pigeon is pretty much safe.

I'm a long time AirForce Condor SS tinkerer with sub MOA accuracy with 24.8 grain NSA slugs to 195 yards.  This SAMrod is a big step backwards but for up close things with feathers it'll do, if there can be some accuracy.

I'm thinking that the MagnetoSpeed hanging on the end of the barrel will certainly have a negative affect but was trying to see what velocities I could get.

Also, MV varied all over the place to day in the sub freezing weather.


I have high hopes for this rig and she'd best live up, or I'll go to tinkering.

We'll see....



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Nate,could you put some springs on Bug a boo shoulders so he can fight back???

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The first 140 or so rounds were to get the "rhythm" of things.  Was neither fun nor successful!

After the semi auto is definitely a southern California device.  Today's temp range was from 3 to 25 deg F.  I was in the sunny part with the higher temperature.

Action function miserably.  Velocity spread was 100s of FPS.  Many misfires then when the charging handle was messes with several 2-pellet launches were made.

Max velocity was in the low 800s.

In the pellet stove heated basement, temp 80 degree F, with max hammer spring pressure, velocity was maxed out at 886.  This with Crossman 14.3s.  A long way from the advertised 950 max.

If she can't make at least 920 FPS with Idaho winds, she's practically useless.

It is said that regulator pressure is somewhere around 2030 PSI.  When it reaches about that value things go to hell in a hand basket real quick.  Velocities vary extremely and around 775 FPS with misfires and double shots.

When warmed in the basement and shooting 22 yards out the door accuracy tended to duplicate the factory target.  There were "some" fliers" but she wanted to hold elevation and string 'em left and right.

I'm betting that when magazines become available I'll find some that work better than others both for operability and accuracy.

However the low velocity is a big problem.

From my AirForce Condor SS modification experience there are things that can be done to the SAMrod to improve accuracy but with that low velocity she's way to big of a hunk of wood to lug around and shoot no farther than tree top...

A bull pup stock would be a great enhancement for this rig as ya don't hafta mess with a bolt handle.  But a shield for action gas may be necessary...


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So far definitely NOT the info I was hoping to hear. I hope Crosman can work out the issues. 

thank you for the feedback guys!

North Carolina
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What good is a SA if the magazines don't work? It is sad to see quite a few AG brands bring unsorted AGs to market with a POS plastic magazine that causes jams and/or negatively affects accuracy. Then they have to deal with the cost of returns, etc. In some cases the initial failures reputation end up killing a promising model line. You can buy two Ruger 10/22s that function as intended for the cost of one trouble ridden SAM. I purchased a NIB $1K Evanix Air Speed that both magazines failed in under 100 shots. Two years later I am still waiting for the "redesigned" replacement mags promised to be shipped promptly to me. I fixed and upgraded the mags in 20 minutes and the gun functions 100% no jams, JSB 18 gr at 900 fps, but accuracy is nothing to brag about. Sorry, did not mean to hijack the thread, just whining about my buyers remorse I guess. However, I still shoot my single shot Falcon FN12 with no failures to feed or even an oring replaced in 15 years and it brings a smile to my face.

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Mine cycled well no jams etc.  Power was low and they did not even try to bump up regulator.  When some refurbs show up I will jump on one and get HUMA to make me a larger plenum and use their regulator.  Seems reusing the Field Target Model parts have this rifle power limited in .22.  Not sure if their method of SEMI auto will work outside a narrow pressure window.   If it works at higher pressures then just increasing regulator set point will yield more FPE.  If not then more intense mods for high volume low pressure 

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Had a good rant going....during which I called customer support....

Got a nice guy on the other end. Was a pleasure to talk with him.

My magazine is "all chewed up" on the inside.  He's sending a new one. 

He had me check for the presence of the O-ring in the breech.  It seems folks are having to run a rod down the barrel to push out a pellet and bump the O-ring out which causes a loss of velocity.

After discussion it may well be that my chewed up magazine may be due to the "spring" slipping internally which causes the damage I see in my magazine.  Which in turn contributes to lower velocity.  He says that when everything is functioning as it should I should expect 900 to 920 fps which is acceptable to this ol man for the pigeon permissions I have.

We'll see....

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@critter99 The trade off of the regulator.  Great shot count and consistency with the sacrifice of power.  A standard marauder in 22 I once tuned got 25 fpe with .22 domes for 32 shots.  But a semi gun may be a different animal.  


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While talking with the Benjamin customer service fella the other day I learned that:

a)  for the most part the Gen 2 magazine will function in the semi auto version, and

b) in several months the older version magazine, the one with the oblong hole will be discontinued with the only magazine available being the new one that comes with the semi auto version.


After dismantling the factory semi auto magazine nothing was found that indicating the internal spring had "slipped"...  It would seem to me that the magazine has/had either design or manufacturing problems which caused it to be trashed...

We'll see when the new one(s) arrive.


Spent about 8 hours turning a barrel tensioning gizmo for the new semi auto.  It worked perfectly... but... found that the JSB 15.89 Exact Jumbo pellet worked the best of pellets tried.

Replaced the shroud, spring and baffles and tried it.  The 15.89 pellet shoots absolutely fantastic with the factory arrangement.  Will match any airgun I've ever fired for consistency and accuracy.  However, 840 fps is a little on the slow side and shot count is not nearly as good as advertised.


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Benjamin customer service pulled though with 2 brand spanking new 22 cal mags for the SAMrod.  And I'll be durned if they both don't work flawlessly.  I really wonder what was wrong with the one that came with the rig.

Grandson-in-law came for this past weekend.  We headed to one of my pigeon permissions with the SAMrod without a clip.

I was the spotter calling dope and fodder feeder (feeding 15.89 gr JSBs with tweezers while he held the charging handle back) and he did the shooting.  Twas quite funny and similar to running a flintlock.  We got the process down pretty good.

Nothing went as planned after the first pigeon at 77 yards.  The flock flew out to a centers-pivot sprinkler at 129 yards and lined up like a shooting gallery.  Wind was pretty decent.  First shot at 129 the shooter watched the pellet be spot on for elevation and about a foot with the wind.  The pellet went between two adjacent pigeons.  The flock flushed and landed down the pivot a ways.

We walked down the wind break and ranged the birds through a break in the wind break at 119 yards.  I call the dope.  When the shooter was on it, I gave the "send it".  The little Marauder went Phtttt.  The shooter shouted that he hit his pigeon.  He couldn't hide his amazement.  The hit was in the back of the bird a big inch up from the base if the tail.  The target bird left with the flock but couldn't maintain speed or altitude.  We watched in big anticipation while it flew about 300 yards into the ground.  About 10 FPE and a poor hit finally got the job done.  We counted it as a kill..

After 5 more consecutive kills from 50 to 85 yards the shooter started getting cocky.  Young fellas will do that...

The next pigeon was broadside at 95 yards and he calls a head shot.  I said yeah...right!?  Phttt goes the SAMrod and the pigeon falls without a flutter.  If there would have been a magazine in the rig he could have poked at least one more as the disturbance out there wasn't immediately noticed by the rest of the flock.  

I've been slaving over an Airforce Condor SS in 22 cal for several years and finally got it down to right around 1/2 MOA out to 195  yards.  My son got an FX Crown in 25 cal that shoots well under MOA at 100 right out of the box.  Since Saturday's hunt we have tested and retested this SA Marauder out to 125 yards and in very still winds 1/4 MOA is typical for as many shots as you want to shoot.  Having said that there are a couple of slots in one of the mags that sends a flier on a regular basis.  I'll diagnose that problem before its all over....

I'm impressed with this little rig.


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