I have 5 rifles on a list been watching YouTube videos on all of them. Getting back into the airgun thing since my other hobby is slowing down (beach metal detecting) not going to quit but will have extra time to go to a shooting range. I will be shooting this rifle out to 100 yards since this where the range is set up to shoot. I will be shooting 22 cal pellets maybe even slugs since that's the new thing. I will be getting a compressor. So here is the list.
Benjamin Kratos ( I know it's not regulated)
Benjamin Marauder with LW barrel
Walther Rotek
DAR in 22
What are the pro and cons also what other rifles should I be looking at in the used market. My budget is at $675 tops. Thanks
The slow down is because we are getting a different crowd of people now all APC's ( alcoholics, popheads, crackheads) they don't wear gold. But no on a beach there is no such thing finding it all. You have to "run and gun" try finding low spots on the beach. Right now the sand is not really moving out like it should. Usually hunt beaches 5-6 days now down to 3/4 days want to get back into airguns. Found a very nice Beeman R1 west Germany at gun shop for $300. My wife not real to happy about that because she never needs a piece jewelry because I find so much for her. I can see the technology has grown in the airguns since I left. That's a great thing. In a way most guys here know metal detecting and airguning are tied together...lol ?? Right now with gold prices takes two good size rings I have a air rifle!!!
Lol you want believe how many people take classrings to the beach....not only that but football players taking super bowl rings also. Plus the giant chains they wear while my buddy has found one...retail $15000!!!! He wear it now and will never sell it.
If you really want to shoot slugs, you may wanna do some more homework. Not sure the ones on your list will cut mustard. One or some may, but probably not. I will test slugs when possible, but out to 100 yards I’m happy to use pellets. My go to PCPs are the Kalibrgun & Taipans. My .22 Kalibrgun can reach out to 100 no problem. Took 5 shot to knock down 4 silhouettes, smallest being about an inch.
The "old" FX400 is still not too shabby, never tried with slugs.
I like Marauder and Kalibr but no list like this would be complete without an FX. My .22 is just boring to shoot, same place every time, although I don't have 100 yardage to share, mostly shoot around 40-60 with JSBs.