Congratulations on this GREAT new forum guys.
I've got a lefty BSA SuperTen in .22 caliber purchased about a year before the model was discontinued. What's that, 10 or 12 years? Not sure, time flies.
It's only had a couple of thousand rounds through it, it got sidelined because of other airgun projects. Shoots good, holds air forever but there's some velocity fluctuation which could be the regulator. I'm not looking for a Bowkett blueprint job but I'd like to find an experienced BSA tech on this side of the pond to go through this thing, rebuild the reg, polish the internals and reseal it. Do any of you fellas know of a reputable shop around these parts? Thanks!
Glenn in Texas
Glenn, Contact David Slade in Tenn. He owns Airgunwerks,
He is a factory trained repair and tuning guy with years in the business. Formally raised in England and was a Theoben dealer. He is versed with the Britt guns. I believe he can do the work or steer you in the right direction.
His ph: 931-933-5861
Website: airgunwerks at