I am looking for a new or used generation for K1 in 22 caliber. Where would I even buy a new one if I wanted to get a new one? It would have to be generation four. I would not be interested in a generation 2.
krale has a nice K1 new...How would I tell if it is a generation 4?
I'd check with Joe Brancato of airtanksforsale.com. He is a sponsor here and where I bought my second Huben. You better have a fast compressor and a pellet sponsor. ?
They like the heavy pellets best....
Rick, well you returned the favor, because now I want a 25. I will have to decide on one caliber. What sold me on the gun was Joe's video about the K1 where he said that you can push a 22 bullet slug at 1100 feet per second if you wanted. Then I saw the pictures on krale. The gun is finished so nicely. Plus it looks like I collect semi-autos now. Because I just got a monsoon. I'm waiting for it to come in the mail.
Rick, well you returned the favor, because now I want a 25. I will have to decide on one caliber. What sold me on the gun was Joe's video about the K1 where he said that you can push a 22 bullet slug at 1100 feet per second if you wanted. Then I saw the pictures on krale. The gun is finished so nicely. Plus it looks like I collect semi-autos now. Because I just got a monsoon. I'm waiting for it to come in the mail.
I'm more interested in accuracy than speed. My second gen Huben has acceptable grouping. I do wish they would put a manometer for the air tube. Normally I figure after two magazine loads it's time to fill again. the only problem there is I also will load as I shoot. So I lose track of shot count.
I just sold a Monsoon a few months back. I find i just don't shoot rifle length guns as much. If it jams wind the magazine spring one more time. Standard wound magazines often get mixed with that gun.
I have been waiting for Huben to produce some more of their bullets; they seem to work best in that gun. Does anyone know if their bullets are available yet? I won't buy the gun until there is a good bullet available. Are they making a .25 cal yet? Not sure I would want a .25; the bullets will probably be considerably more expensive.
Good question.
Here is what the Gen 4 has: Improved regulator that refills faster and more accurate, gauge exacter and improved sealing, power regulation system improved and reinforced. Airgun Heaven says the are one of the very few in the world that truly stock, service and deliver this latest version. Here is a link: https://airgunheaven.com/en/huben-k1-22-black
There is a Gen 3 http://www.kourkbas.4tyshop.gr
P.S. Krale Shietsport has Gen 4 for $1700 shipped. AG of Arizona has them for $1499 (I think it's Gen 4) ...that's the best price I saw.
Now, do I get a .25 or .22?
Bean, I'm a big fan of your funny movies on BBC. I used to watch them all the time.
I am going to call Joe B at www.airtanksforsale.com today and ask him about Huben bullets and what to use.
I have some NSA slugs so I thought those would be the best. ...but Huben bullets sound cool.
Airgun Heaven said this about AMMO: The special pellets are in stock too (JSB Beast) plus Huben Solids.... The new imporoved JSB Monster also performs great om moderate power level.
I would buy both. Except that I really want to get an impact X as well. So many guns, so little time...
First I was about to say that I was leaning towards the 25, since that gun has power to spare. Might as well push a 25 as fast as you can rather than a 22
But then it occurred to me, there will be a wide variety of ammo available in 22. Many manufacturers will have heavy 22 pellets. So now I'm thinking probably the 22.
I need to research the BC on each of those calibers
I got a 25 cal from AoA.
I shot a 48 grain .251 cal HP bullet from Hunters Supply at 22MPa. (Hunters Supply cast bullets are not very round but fit the K1 very nicely)
It sent the bullet at 968 fps which is 100 fpe. I’m afraid to dial up the pressure much more since 22MPa is just in the red on the regulator. I’m pretty happy with that result.
So, I haven’t had a chance to sight in well yet.
I need a new place to shoot this thing. I live in a residential area. Bullets are just poking through some 2x8’s that I have as a backstop in my back yard. That worked great for my pellet gun - not sufficient for this.
for what it’s worth, I shot several rounds at about 15 yards within a nickel area. I’ve been shooting the Hunters Supply bullets which are very inconsistent.
Sorry I can’t provide more at this time.
HUBENs are ALWAYS in stock, and I have 1/2 x 20 ADAPTERS, etc. for them
We have been selling Hubens for a few years now. We were the first and only one to import them, and we know them like the back of our hand. We always stock them, so no need to make a deposit.
Just call us at (714) 907-0067 and we'll ship one out.
When I search on Expert HPA site for Huben, a picture of a Gen 2 pops up with a price of $1695
When I click on it no addl info pops up.
I find The website hard to navigate and cluttered compared to most.
2 pennies
Hubens aren't meant to be match target accurate guns FYI, they are meant to BLAST THINGS and have LOTS OF FUN SHOOTING. I have two of them. Don't get all tied up on shooting them on paper at 50 and 100 yards, you will only get frustrated. Go plinking with it and have FUN.