When your to old to...
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When your to old to shoot

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When we are to old to shoot and need a cane.


Walking Stick Heads


scratchit reacted
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West Virginia
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I have seen some of the older ones at some airgun shows and have always wanted one.  They ain't cheap though.


Bob in WV

scratchit reacted
North Carolina
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Now if they made one in PCP....

scratchit reacted
Virgin Islands, U.S.
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Not quite a walking stick but not far off.

Airgun Lab T30 01 1
Airgun Lab T30 02 1



scratchit reacted
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Ilike that!

scratchit reacted
North Carolina
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What the...?

scratchit reacted
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Stick shooter.

Don't tell S'nobi

Nabahu i7


bf1956 and scratchit reacted

North Carolina
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Looks sturdy enough to use as a riot baton too....


.44 cal.?

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The basic premise of this thread is wrong.  You are NEVER too old to shoot.  You may be too old to hit anything.  But never too old to shoot. ? 

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I am almost 82 and shoot in garage and back yard every day.  It is NEVER to old.



Rest In Peace
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The day I'm to old, is the day they bury me ?

Rest In Peace
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Nice to remember my old shooting buddy LeRoy....been gone awhile,but here he is at 92.

Even when he wasn't able to get around too well, bought him this to shoot from his chair to a trap in the fireplace. Looks odd,but it's actually a rubber tubing BB catapult.

So evidetly, he never lost the urge to shoot something.

(So..fufilling his version of passing away.....you aren't gone until the last person stops remembering you.)

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Posted by: @droidiphile

The basic premise of this thread is wrong.  You are NEVER too old to shoot.  You may be too old to hit anything.  But never too old to shoot. ? 

My last hit will be the dirt.


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would anyone know anything about these"tube type " guns.  What and where ,and maybe obtain. Thank you


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Posted by: @csitas

would anyone know anything about these"tube type " guns.  What and where ,and maybe obtain. Thank you

Welcome to the forum!

TL;DR this is all dumbassery on my part, but it took 10 mins to type and proofread, so I'm gonna leave it? Here is some schooling on cane guns!  I've always been fascinated by the idea, and considered making one recently, hence research. I know a guy, not me, who makes these in 22lr with a tube mag!

IF it shoots a cartridge, it IS a firearm, potentially an NFA firearm, needs to be home-made or purchased from a legit type 7 FFL, while following all applicable state and Federal laws.

I have seen these in 12ga, but the bore diameter combined with a lack of sporting use would require registration as a destructive device, require a Form 1 and $200 stamp.  I'm not clear on the legality of destructive devices as concealed weapons, better stay under 50cal.


Long version... but an answer to your question based on my current knowledge. I'd appreciate being corrected, or any blanks filled in, if someone knows otherwise. Thanks in advance!

They are not designed to be fired from the shoulder, therefore not a rifle or shotgun.

If they are under 26" in their shortest configuration AND designed to be fired from one hand, they SHOULD be a pistol (pistols are fired from one hand) BE CAREFUL if 2 hands are required to trigger the device, regardless of length. See below...

Over 26" in shortest config, OR requiring 2 hands to fire, would be what the ATF calls "AOW" aka "Any Other Weapon" and require a Form #4 with associated $5 fee and wait period. It's an NFA item, you'd better pay attention!

ATF has entered the chat...

You are 100% GTG on making your own, if you can. Might as well build it with an integral suppressor, and submit that Form 1 and $200 while you're at it!

HOWEVER, buying them from a random machinist IS a bad idea. The machinist is required to be a Type 7 FFL, a serial number and other required marks must be present, and a background check will be done. Otherwise, no deal IMHO, don't risk it!

There is SOME exception allowed in the sale of home-built firearms, but it's a grey area, and unlikely you'd find many machinists willing to hang their butt out in the breeze, just to make a toy and a buck.

Here is some discussion, look through the answers (especially the collapsed ones) you can see it's kinda convoluted (sorry it's about ARs, that's the hot topic, but them's all guns)


I don't have any sources to purchase these (OP?) but thought I'd throw some general info out, since not everyone has an interest or experience in home-built or non conventional "stuff".

Beware of YOUR state's laws! IMHO, individual state laws make the AFT mush-mouth look like the 10 Commandments!

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@gratewhitehuntr please accept my apology, I did not read close enough I guess. I just presumed  they were like the canes that were shown in the article. I have no want for them if they are guns. I have plenty of them myself. Sorry again.

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I should be the one apologizing, since I just assumed that the lack of airgun banter (on the followup posts) indicated powder actuation. I've got powderburner on the brain lately.

Now I right click, viewed image and zoomed up close... whoops... er... ok... facepalm...


Anyway, welcome to the forum! Please excuse my assumption and the resultant looking like a dumbass! It happens!

Here is the catalog link to the one Bill S. posted, no prices, but specs.


The "Air Gun Labs T30" did not come up in the search, sorry bout that. Maybe Citizen K can post something?


Virgin Islands, U.S.
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Posted by: @gratewhitehuntr

The "Air Gun Labs T30" did not come up in the search, sorry bout that. Maybe Citizen K can post something?

It's a Russian creation not marketed to the rest of the world.

Virgin Islands, U.S.
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Here you go.

t30 shooting stick


Youtube Link

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@citizen-k Thanks!

Screenshot 2020 07 29 Nabahu i7 Limited Edition

Some similarity between the tables allows guesstimated translation, but maybe I can do more than guess?

Here is the translated page Citizen K's pics were taken from (or at least they also appear on this page)


Best comment of the thread

Screenshot 2020 07 29 Google Translate

The alloy "D16T" is mentioned, which is a specific grade of "Duralumin" (wow that's some OLD tech)

Screenshot 2020 07 29 Google Translate(1)

"D16AT, D16AM D16 and D16 are made of wrought aluminum alloy brand. to the chemical composition of the alloy requirements are set GOST 4784. The aluminum content of the alloy D16 is 90,90-94,70%, copper - 3,80-4,90%, magnesium - 1.20-1.80%. alloy Weight - 2.77 kg / l."

Here is the US equivalent material, known as 2024.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_aluminium_alloy

Since this is a common pipe material, I'd suspect that much of the device is comprised of the same D16 alloy.


Price listed as 14,000 with 5,000 extra "resik" (assuming reservoir) equates to $262 USD (assuming originally in Rubles)

Here is a large list of image search results (wow huge string of characters!)



A translated comment from YT

"The quick-detachable tank in this design is a minus. Bullet loading, which must be performed much more often than blowing in, is sacrificed to the convenient unscrewing of the reservoir.
I would radically rethink the process of loading a bullet, in the same layout you can do it normally. Up to the maraderodrum.


Video where the kid shoots it once @1:12-ish video 

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Posts: 27

Leave it to the Russians.  They come up with some wild stuff alright. The shear size of the thing is what impressed me. I like trying to make my own cr p and it's fun .


Airgun Warriors