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What’s the deal with RWS pellets?

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When I first got my RWS 34 about 8 years ago I could buy the RWS dome pellets in a 500 count tin, then it went down to 250 and then to 200. I think the price has about doubled. I am paying the same for 200 as I used to pay for 500.

I know prices are always rising but pellets seem to be going up more than most things. 

Does anyone know if you can even buy the 500 count tin anymore. Where is the best place to purchase them?



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Posted by: @randyc

When I first got my RWS 34 about 8 years ago I could buy the RWS dome pellets in a 500 count tin, then it went down to 250 and then to 200. I think the price has about doubled. I am paying the same for 200 as I used to pay for 500.

I know prices are always rising but pellets seem to be going up more than most things. 

Does anyone know if you can even buy the 500 count tin anymore. Where is the best place to purchase them?



I also noticed the diminishing pellet count situation occur several years ago with RWS pellets. When I asked a couple of vendors about it, they just said the 500 count tins were no longer available.

It's not just RWS. H&N also used to sell several of their .177 caliber pellets in 500 count tins. Now, if you notice on some of the lids, many of them only contain 400 pellets.

And, if I remember correctly, it's not limited to solely .177 caliber. I think some of the .22 caliber tins have also been reduced as to pellet count

I find this marketing gimmick to be rather irritating. It's obviously a way to raise prices without it being, hopefully, quite as noticeable to consumers at first glance. And, it's not just about air gun ammunition.

Going back something like 30 years or possibly even more, many of the ice cream companies reduced the size of their cartons from 1/2 gallon to a slightly smaller size. The 1/2 gallon cartons had been the size standard for many decades. I guess they hoped we wouldn't notice. Some people probably didn't. But, a lot of us did.

In fact, one of the most popular ice cream makers in Texas is probably Blue Bell. They've approached the same situation from a different direction. On their TV ads, they make a point of clearly stating that their ice cream still comes in full, 1/2 gallon containers. To keep up with inflation, they just raised the price.

Oh, now I see my motor's gotten started. Coffee used to be traditionally sold in 1 lb containers. Now they're usually 12 oz.

As I see it, there's really not much we can do about the situation. If you want a product, you have to buy it in the size in which it's being sold. Even if RWS does bring back the 500 count tins, I think it's safe to say the price will immediately increase.

Well, as they say, there's another 30 minutes of my life gone that I'll never get back, LOL.

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in 1995 the retail price was 11.00 per tin of 500 super dome in .177  raw cost .022 cent each 

if you take .177 dome pellets at PA 3 x 7.95 + 1 free  makes them .019875 each before shipping 

so the bag of chips has gotten small but the cost is still cheap compared to many thing 

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so does PA give you a free tin if you buy 3. I went to their web site but didn’t see anything about a free tin??

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I’m sorry. I did see the ad to buy 3 and put 4 in your cart. Thanks for the info, that does make it cheaper. 

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nothing to be sorry about, packaging changes, prices change and we assume that all people know what we know 

but this post shows that little things like buying pellets at PA can be enlightening 

forums are a place to learn the little things and that is a good thing 

so have the pellet prices gone up, sure but they are still a great deal 

take care 



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Posted by: @marflow

in 1995 the retail price was 11.00 per tin of 500 super dome in .177  raw cost .022 cent each 

if you take .177 dome pellets at PA 3 x 7.95 + 1 free  makes them .019875 each before shipping 

so the bag of chips has gotten small but the cost is still cheap compared to many thing 

Not so sure of that.  I used to get RWS Basic pellets $3.99 for 500 tin. That’s .79 cents/pellet. PA has 300 count tins now for $6.29. With buy 3 get 4 that’s $1.58 cents/pellet. Granted it’s been a while since I stocked up with several sleeves of Basics.  I don’t know. Maybe everything has doubled in price in 6 years?

North Carolina
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Who's doing your math? At that price it should be $395 for a tin!

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Thank god you guys are not as poor as I am"i have to buy CP 22 cal. at Wall M. 500 for $6.00 sorry had to say it. Willy

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Walmart had .177 500 count Superdomes on sale a few years back for $4; I purchased 40,000.

They tend to shoot very good to excellent in my guns with large-ish bores, but they aren't very aerodynamic.

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Posted by: @cruisers

Who's doing your math? At that price it should be $395 for a tin!

oops 1.58 cents per.  Still double  


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RWS Superdomes .22  |  500 ct  |  = $8.50 sale (c. 19 tins left)


Click on the black button, "RWS Inventory", for a PDF list with exact amount in stock and detailed specs, at the following link:


for $10.95




RWS Superfield .22  |  500 ct  |  = $8.50 sale (160 tins left)

The RWS webpage is convoluted, here's what's where:

● Price shown here: > https://www.anschutznorthamerica.com/ammunition.html

● Product page:  https://www.anschutznorthamerica.com/store/p156/RWS_SuperField.html

● PDF list with exact amount in stock and detailed specs (head sizes 5.51 and 5.52):  Click on the black button, "RWS Inventory", at the following link:



Headsize 5.51mm


Headsize 5.52mm




Happy shopping!  ? 



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I stopped buying "small-batch" brands. One big reason (among several) I have for shooting airguns in the first place is the super low cost of shooting. I like to shoot. I don't just dabble. If I bring a rimfire to the range, I bring a brick. Considering my rimfire is a single-shot bolt action, a brick is a long day at the range. I like long days. I don't shoot my .308 Winchester much anymore because at a buck a shot, long days are expensive.

So, enter the airguns, specifically a Beeman P1 and an R9. Both "bucket-list" guns for me. Spring piston because there's no added expenses. No tanks, refills, compressors, pumps, hoses, regulators, fittings, probes, testing, CO2 cartridges, and no pumping (MSP). Also, and of no small importance, spring-pistons make me a better shooter and these skills transfer to all other guns.

Back to the point/theme of this thread. I can get a 500-pellet tin of Crosman hollow-points for about $6.24 at Walmart if I'm in a hurry, or Amazon if I can wait a couple days. Now if they shot like complete and utter shash, well then I'd experiment and work my way up the cost chain until I found something my guns liked. But I got lucky.

So now I don't have to buy pellets in 50-round "dime bags."


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? I get your point of buying cheap when you get good performance without paying more. Yes, that sounds lucky, nice!  ?? 


In my neck of the world I just bought some Crosman Destroyers, 175 ct(!), for 9 dollars and change, plus a 45 min drive one way....

(5.3 cents a shot ?)




? About the RWS mentioned in the OP:  I'm not sure how these are "small batch brands" and "50-round dime bags".

These tins hold 500 pellets in .22cal.... ?


Have a great weekend. Hope you get some shooting in! ?


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Posted by: @jungleshooter

? About the RWS mentioned in the OP:  I'm not sure how these are "small batch brands" and "50-round dime bags".

These tins hold 500 pellets in .22cal.... ?

They aren't. But the OP was speaking in past tense. He stated that RWS tins now come with only 200 pellets. This is the whole point of his post and the thread. But yes, I did exaggerate with my "50-round dime bag" comment.  100 to 200 count tins are very common though.

Georgia U.S.
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Posted by: @randyc

I’m sorry. I did see the ad to buy 3 and put 4 in your cart. Thanks for the info, that does make it cheaper. 

The cheaper of the four is free.


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