During this time of self confinement I found myself being bored but during this time I had come to find out something about myself. Every time I do most anything to my small air rifle collection I come to the forums for help, guidance, aide or whatever you call it. I don't know if I call it tinkering or just f**king up.
I have a gamo urban which is a better than "alright" pcp for someone who just started. I did have a Hammerli Pneuma in 22 before, but that only lasted a week. Thats another story for another time. Anyway, I like the urban now except for the nasty looking moderator on the end which leads me to this post.
I decided to cut it off without a plan on what to do after it. I honestly thought that it served no real purpose in noise dampening..boy was I wrong, lol. First it was a real PITA to remove. It took a dremel and some pliers but it is gone. After removal I took a shot and boy what a difference. I mean loud.
At first, before the full removal, I shot it without the "guts" and it was louder obviously than with them. I keep shaking my head while writing this and laughing at myself. Well with it removed, it was God awful ugly. I need to get it threaded so that I can hopefully add a moderator of some sort to it. I don't know the exact point of this post aside from suggesting to others to "have a plan". LOL!
Anyway I always find myself when I do something good, bad or just totally asinine that I come to the forums for praise, scolding or just good old fashioned help. So for what its worth, don't cut the pickle off your urban unless you have something to take its place.On a good note, my old lady got me a SCBA 75cu/ft tank, with fill station (hose and valve) with 12yrs left on it and it probably has been 3 weeks since I shot my prosport and boy oh boy, you would think by the looks of my groups that its my 1st time, wtf. It honestly feels like I have to learn her all over again. In my defense, I did start a new batch/lot of AA 8.4 diabolo's. I hope that that isn't the case
so what's the barrel diameter, it will be in millimeters and i will look for an adapter or you can, they are Ebay from Europe done business with both of them and had great service
and then you can thread on a 1/2-20 can
@marflow when I measured it there are likeb3 parts, kinds, to/of the barrel.
Largest to smallest
The the large solid piece under middlethe air cylinder is 15.52mm fluted is the 12mm and the little tip all the way right is the 8.87mm
well that is an enormous mess
is any of the out front barrel or just muzzle brake guts
so no matter what you do it is going to look like a lash up
an adapters are tapered on the back side so it will not blend in to the barrel
i can't seem to find a 12mm adapter any more and that could be because of the virus
so you would have to find a piece of 12mm ID to 15mm OD carbine fiber, easy on Ebay from Chine or a hobby store and then buy a 15mm adapter
in reality you need to take the barrel off and have someone thread it in 1/2-20
so should we take your tolls away or put on boxing gloves on your hands or both
when working on anything, remember, do no harm to the patient, in this case the patient died
@marflow so right you are, please take the tools away, lol. I was just hacking away at the moderator and knowing that the rifle was pretty cheap and almost a "training" piece for me to experiment on, I was ok with my hacking at it. Any way what do you mean by this:
"is any of the out front barrel or just muzzle brake guts" mean?
And as for adapters, do they slide one then use some type of set screw for attachment then one would just thread on the moderator, right?
Brother, I don't care about looks really, I would just love for the urban to be quiet again. So any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Shoot I wish I had the $ for the adapter though. Looking forward to hearing from you Marflow
so the question was where does the barrel stop and the muzzle brake start
so there doesn't seem to be a 12mm adapter so you have to shim, a spacer to the next size
and seeing the barrel is about 15.5mm, a 15mm OD x 12mm ID will work as that shim
and the easiest shim to find is carbine fiber tubing
oh i know it is in China and if you don't like it, find it at hobby shop maybe
the tubing can be cut with a hacksaw and meter box, easy
so i would friction fit the tube that is cut to the length, to cover up the "mess" 1/4 pin strip tape is my go to making that friction fit
so after you do that, mount the adapter that is in my above post you are ready mount your LDC with an O-ring on the back of the threads
why you ask you might want to take it off and the o-ring helps you do that
so is this a fool proof, well maybe but i'm not doing it, you are and let say i have questions
remember one thing, if you can't put it back together don't take it apart or what you did and i thought it looked nice the way it was
so you some need parts, some time and a good imagination
will it work, sure will it look great, hell no but it will look good from my house
about all i got
I really like the whole carbon fiber thing. Especially if it ran the who length of the barrel. But in all honesty I do not care about the looks so as long as it quiets down the report. And thanks to all you guys live give your opinions and experiences as feedback to me. Thank you
so you could cover the barrel with carbon fiber, a rear piece but you have to cut a breech angle and then epoxy the front piece on and fit a adapter inside the tube
you would 16mm ID tubing and a adapter that would fit inside with or without resizing
so i could do it but can you
so here is my challenge you started this project to make a better looking rifle and a quieter one at that
now what you have in my view is a basket case that few would want, so fix it, it can be done
and if you can't fix this rifle, don't do this to another gun, because no one will care or help, you get one pass
now when you get it all done post those pictures, get to work
@josh3rd I got mine NIB in a trade and when I opened it up I knew that thing on the end had to go.
After cutting mine off with my leatherman it wasn't much louder, but I made up some shims and put a 4" ported brake from a Spanish made Beeman GS950 on it. Cosmetically it looks good but is quite loud now. Definately louder than any of my .22RF's.
so you need 3 main things
19mm OD x 16mm ID carbon fiber tubing this for the main part of the barrel and the only hard part is the angle cut at the breech simple really
now the other part is a piece of 16mm OD x 12mm ID now this is for the front of the barrel and it goings in the piece of 19mm tubing for the front it will be epoxied in and help with support and because it is thick enough set screw would work
now the final piece is a Marauder pistol screw in adapter, now the threads will have to be turned down to fit in the 16mm tubing
you need to take a dowel to hold the adapter and a drill and a fill to remove less then a MM off slow test file test
so the 16mm tubing is going to be over size but only by 1/50 of an inch
i would get some 1/4 inch pin stripe tape and run the tape front to back on 4 equal sides for a friction fit
so you need enough 19mm tubing to do the main barrel and the front part as long as you what or need
the 16mm x 12mm tubing for the front support and the adapter and some set screws
and tools to do it all, taps, drills, hacksaw, miter box, epoxy skill and comment sense
will the job be easy for you, i think not, will it be cheap to do, not unless you have the tools a thing already
now would it be a nice looking conversion sure
can you do it
remember the tubing comes in 500mm lengths a short 20 inches
all i got it is straight forward