I'm looking at an hW30 for smooth, quiet plinking but see talk of "youth gun" and am wondering if you could/should detune a hw50 to similar 675fps instead for the bigger stock, etc. One would have more flexibility to go back to full power with the hw50.
Would any drop in springs, like an hw30 spring work to lower the hw50?
I have both. The difference in the LOP between them really isn't that much, less than 5/8". The LOP on my 50S is 14 & 5/8" and on the 30S (standard model) it's 14 & 1/16".
Can't really recommend one over the other as I really like them both, lol. Accuracy wise, the 50S may be my most accurate springer. But the 30S definitely isn't lacking in that department, either. BTW, both of mine are .177.
The 30S is the easier one to cock, but the 50S isn't that bad. Both were pretty stiff cocking out of the box due to the barrel pivot bolt being too tight from the factory. But once things broke in and loosened up they are both pretty nice cocking. JM does make a lower power "Indoor Plinkers Kit" for the 50S which would make cocking it easier. I haven't tried that kit so don't know what kind of power it puts out.
My 50S has a full power JM kit in it. The 30S is still factory. Both have a very nice shot cycle and are easy to shoot accurately. The 30S is quieter at the muzzle as compared to the 50S, which makes sense given it's lower power. My 50S isn't really loud but there is a noticeable pop or snap when it's shot.
Probably not the answers you were looking for but I hope it helped some. Good luck with your choice.
Instead of a de- tuned HW50 I would seriously consider an HW 35. I own and love all 6 of my HW30's and shoot them every chance I get...out to about 35 yards. If that is about the distance you shoot, you would probably love an HW 30. I shoot one of the black pepper laminated stock HW 30's the most and it does not feel like a youth gun to me. I just shot with a guy and he shot a 10.5 ftlbs. HW 35 and the gun was accurate out to 45 yards. A little more money than the HW50 but they come with beautiful walnut stocks and a locking barrel and alttle more weight which also helps with accuracy. Just a thought.
If you're going to go for the HW30S might I suggest the R7 from Pyramyd instead? Their price on the R7 is about $30 less than what they have the HW30S listed for and you get a much nicer stock. And the R7 also comes with open sights now, too. So in a sense it's like getting an HW30S Deluxe for less than a standard 30S. ?
As already mentioned, the HW 30/R7 design does not have cramped-up kiddie stock dimensions, so have no fear of that. If that’s the power level you need, that’s the gun you should buy.
The collector in me will toss out another option for consideration, though: the ORIGINAL HW 50 family, that was discontinued several years ago (the current “HW 50” is a very different gun, originally introduced as the HW 99).
The old 50 has the same slender receiver tube as the 30, but longer for more power. Construction-wise, the gun has the beautiful threaded-on rear receiver section like HW’s bigger guns (HW 35, R1, HW 77/97). To me it's an ideal size and weight, balances perfectly, and has the right blend of enough power with smooth shooting behavior. The gun was sold with and without the Rekord trigger; “HW 50S” denotes the latter, and is the one you want.
Best-know old 50 variant here in the US is the Beeman R8, which added a safety button, synthetic piston seal, and upgraded stock to the basic design. But the original German HW 50S is still a fine rifle. You might have to bide your time on the classifieds to find one, but they are worth the wait.
Weihrauch’s famous HW 55 target rifle uses the same barrel and receiver as the HW 50, but adds a more refined stock, a barrel lock, a slicked-up version of the Rekord trigger, and match sights. This gun was available with different stocks; the HW 55S (plain beech stock) or HW 55M (traditional Bavarian-style walnut with cheekpiece) also make fine all-round rifles.
Parts for these guns are still readily available, and both Maccari and Vortek offer a variety of upgrades.
Here’a photo. Top to bottom is a 1950’s HW 50 with deluxe stock and pre-Rekord trigger; an HW 50S from the 70’s with Williams aperture sight; and an R8. While the R8 is VERY nice indeed, the plain-looking, leather-sealed, no-safety 50S is the one that handles and balances like it was custom-built for me.
The 50S if you can tune it down. I have an older HW30s and it is a wonderful gun. I also have an R8 as pictured by Mike. Both are great, but a quote I have seen is the the R8 is really what the R7(HW30) owners would want, but don't have. The modern 50S detuned would be a closer match to it.
The 30S is a great gun. Trim, light, and svelte. It can be used by adults and youths also. The R8, older HW50 as pictured by Mike, and a detuned modern 50 would be just a bit more substantial. Trim, light and more of a "real gun" feel. Not trying to step on any toes, but the R8 feels like a lightweight Winchester or high quality 22 RF.
If mostly adults are involved, the slightly larger guns have a more rewarding feel. Detuning may not be an option for most though with the newer 50S. I don't have a newer 50S but it is on my list just because of the fact that I think it would be a better size than the 30. I can tune it how I want though.
It isn't really that much of a dilemma for you though, as you can't really go wrong with either gun.
I am very intrigued by the JM "Indoor Plinkers Kit" for the new style HW50S. I have not seen too many comments from people that have them though. I will probably have to have one in .177 cal. soon! I do have a .22 HW50S with a PW ADV 12 ft-lb tune and it is very enjoyable. I can only imagine the .177 with an indoor kit will be a joy.
That being said I also have 4 iterations of the HW30/R7 and if I had to chose between one of them and the HW50S I would keep one of the HW30/R7's. I can't explain why. I like the fit of the HW50S better but there's just something about the HW30S that is endearing.
If you can swing it I would recommend both! You really can't make a bad choice here. And also the R8/Old style HW50S is a great find too like Mike said.
Keep in mind if you do go for an HW30/R7 that you will probably want to install a cocking link insert. It's nice that HW has addressed that on the 50S. I don't understand why they don't on the 30S? And also try the Air Arms Falcons (.177) for any HW30/R7. They are truly a game changer for many of these rifles.
Mark N
I live in NJ, Own A Hunting Cabin In PA & GA, I have several Tuned HW50S 11 FT Lbs, and a Detune HW50S 8ft Lbs. I also have a few HW30S Tuned to 8ft lbs, & HW35 Nickle 12 ft lbs Your welcome to meet me to shoot them all. All tuned with Vortek Springs, most tuned by John Thomas and Jim at Precision Air. Email me for my number if you want to talk about them. Njnoodles at Verizon dot net
Here you go: http://www.airrifleheadquarters.com/catalog/item/251488/3216416.htm
The new style HW50S uses a similar synthetic insert. Rollers were used on the older style 50/R8 etc.
Some HW30 type guns never gall. But most do from my experience. Some folks just let them wear in but I prefer to use the inserts.
Mark N
OP, do you plan on hunting/pesting or just plinking? I’ve owned several HW30s and a couple HW50s. I still own two 30s, in both .177 and .22. Unless you need a bit more power I don’t see a need for the 50.
I’m 6’ with long arms and I don’t think the 30 is a “youth gun”. It’s certainly smaller than other popular guns, but it’s handier and very easy to cock. Some will dispute this, but I find it MUCH easier to cock than the HW50. I can shoot the 30 for hours without getting tired or sore. With the 50, the cocking effort makes long shooting sessions less fun.
The Hw50 is definitely a nice gun, though. I think it is very sharp with the new stock!
I had an HW30 that started out smooth out of the box, but then started galling after about 100 shots. By around 500 it was smoother and by 1,000 or so shots, the galling had gone away. I don’t like that insert, gizmo BTW; it doesn’t feel right when cocking. I tossed it and let the gun break in by itself.