Hi I thought I would post a few pictures of my 22 cal Tommie.
Setup to use 15.9 jsb at 775 fps, she’s easy cocking compared to my tuned HW80 and the same power.
I had borrowed the scope for another gun and just remounted it today.
Gun weighs 8.5 lb scoped as it sits .
Amazing fit and finish on these with a beautiful 2 stage trigger.
have a great day,kelly
A beautiful walnut Brummie ? I want one! Also want a walnut Stingray .177. I don't see any lately. And beautiful blue (blacking). Only Webley rifles I have are 2 Mk3's and a MK1.
Nice rifle. Blued steel and walnut. I like the length of it. Not so long you could use it for a crutch yet its powerful and not too difficult to cock. I have one in .25 cal and it shoots a healthy 700+ fps with 20 grain pellets for 30 ft lbs.
That's one that has escaped me through the years...definitely on my short list of must haves!!!
Shot one a few years ago and was very impressed with the power and trigger both...
Jim in Mich
@tripleguy,wow I did'nt think this platform was capable of that kind of energy ,mine is around 21 fpe.with a fairly easy cocking effort,especially compared to my tuned HW80 K.
Are you sure you don't have a Patriot ?I have shot one of those in 25 cal makeing 25 fpe with a light spring fyi. ,kelly
I was wondering the same thing. A 30FPE Tommy? Beautiful guns for sure but I have read many postings over the years and don't recall that kind of energy. WOW! Not saying impossible but...WOW!
You're right - I stand corrected. It works out to 22 FPE. Brain fart - yes, the Patriot hits 30.
Man those are magnificent looking pieces. Been a while since I've seen one. Sad as hell to know that a company capable of such refinements is long gone that was around for what? A 100+ years? I'm referring to the English Webleys of course!
@tripleguy -
Yeah, Webley springers, made in Birmingham, are really special -
I was lucky enough to own a .177 Longbow in beech, and that is the best blueing I've ever seen on any gun, and the most figured beech stock I ever witnissed, really beautiful specimens -
Congrats on your Tommy - they don't come around that often!
l love mine .22 Walnut big and bad,I put a JM kit in it to calm it down a bit,I was shooting it the other day and it was making me giggle,it reminded me of a big powder burner because it kicks straight back....the trigger is very tunable,it is a fussy eater though,got to feed it right or it spits out all over the place...
You are right about the blueing it is great. They came in .25,that sounds great....Tomahawk,oh yea.