from the Hw 98. going to use on my Hw 95 and install the action in my thumb hole stock should look pretty nice, I ordered a walnut grip cap on mine and she looked pretty nice
+1 on the "after" pics. Nice stock, too, Mike. I ordered a CS500 from them for my R1 a few months back and was very pleased. They're plain, straight grain walnut for the most part, but you can ask them for an upgrade for a few bucks more, which I did. Ended up with a piece with lots of figure and fiddleback in the butt, but very little forward of the grip. The rosewood cap is a nice touch too. It's definitely not what you'd get from one of our Domestic custom stock makers, but it's also quite a bit cheaper and a heck of a lot nicer than factory.
Mine was a fairly massive stock, but I didn't mind because an R1 is a big rifle to begin with, and I'm tall and have big hands, but the HW95/98 action is fairly trim. I'm very curious whether that stock is trimmer as well. Regardless, can't wait to see the final product.
This stock feels lite it should be a perfect match for the 95.
I am very happy with my choice of stock design and the wood grain is better than what I expected
I have a R 1 in the goudy stock so I would not want a custom stock for that one.
I'll post when it gets done I ordered a hw 98 barrel for it also , its on its way from the UK that should look cool also
Yeah I think so too, she shouldn't be to heavy of a gun compared to a lot of others, I did consider getting it for the hw 97 K but I felt the Th stock would suit the hw 95 better and I like the 97 K stock. I dont mind a heavy gun but its nice to have different types, different weights etc
I been revamping and expanding my lathe room , adding more space and setting up for more shop capabilities and its consuming all my leftover time from the work week
the custom stock still in the box so I have not put that together, I also been working on two previous projects that I ran into several issues I had to overcome.
Ill be glad when they are done cause I have a lot more projects I want to get done ?