Sumatra 500 PCP, ha...
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Sumatra 500 PCP, having problems trying to pump it up for the first time

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Hi, I've got a Sumatra 500 PCP. I'm having problems trying to pump it up for the first time. Bought it months ago & when I tried to pump it up with my Hill air pump (for the first time) it seems to just reach a limit of pressure that doesn't allow me to pump it up any further. I can hardly get 10 x pumps before it seems impossible. When I check the air pressure gauge on the rifle I noticed that it doesn't move one bit. I suspect the air is not going in. Any tips would be greatly appreciated . Thanks in advance, the air pressure on the rifles gauge reads under 10 in the yellow zone.

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Try using the pump to pump a different gun to see if the pump is faulty to isolate the problem.

Could be possible the gun gauge may be broken and the gun is overfilled past max pressure too.

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so if you cock it and pull the trigger does it make sound, no pellet needed 

if not it is more then like empty as you think it is

i assume that you read the owners manual 

you might just be pressurizing the fill hose but that a guess 

i have read that filling new empty PCP rifle to be very hard with a hand pump but not in a restrictive way 

tape the pump to a bag and pump it up and test the pump

there is one of 3 things that are wrong, the pump, the rifle or you, so keep at it

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@marflow Thank you so much for the hints, I'm going to go over all the details as you suggested. So greateful for your generous suggestions. All the best, I'll come back and post on results. Thanks again. Have a good one.

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@hotair Thank you for your help! Living here In Argentina is not the same when it comes to ordering parts and getting things done, your help is greatly appreciated. Will post back on results. Cheers.

North Carolina
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There is an o-ring under the Foster male fill nipple on the gun. It seals the nipple to the gun. If the fill nipple is over tightened or the o-ring out of position it can get squeezed over the fill hole stopping the air from entering the gun. Unless the gun has been modified from factory configuration you can remove the fill nipple to check its seal and the fill hole without degassing the gun as the fill check valve is inside the gun. 

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@will-piatt thank you for your time in explaining everything. I was able to remove the fill nipple and it looks clear and unblocked cause I checked it by blowing air through it. I think it must be blocked further in at the valve inside.


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